This is the well-known periodic table of elements, but where each element is labeled by the environment that is created (e.g Supernova explosion etc.).In 2017 the LIGO gravitional wave detector identified the merger of two neutron stars, an event which produces large quantities of gold, ...
After starting to collect elements I researched industrial uses of pure elements in search of products I might be able to get as samples. For titanium and tantalum a promising source seemed to be artificial body parts, since these are the only two elements used for that purpose, because they ...
Lamps like this are available for a very wide range of elements: Click the Sample Group link below to get a list of all the elements I have lamps like this for. They are used as light sources for atomic absorption spectrometers, which detect the presence of elements by seeing whether a s...
Chemical elements are available as buttons on thePeriodic Tablepanel of MarvinSketch. Atom buttons are arranged according to the standard periodic table layout. When the mouse cursor is over a specific atom button, the information panel displays the name of the atom, the atomic number, mass, ele...
CE5 periodic table, chart of the elements arranged according to the periodic law discovered by Dmitri I. Mendeleev and revised by Henry G. J. Moseley. In the periodic table the elements are arranged in columns and rows according to increasing atomic
Eric R. Scerri, in Philosophy of Chemistry, 2012 1 Introduction The periodic table of the elements is perhaps the most natural system of classification in the whole of science. Whereas biological classification is continually debated, the classification of the chemical elements is far more clear-cu...
They are labeled with the names of various different radio-pharmaceutical preparations used to deliver doses of Tc-99m (metastable Tc-99, an excited state of the Tc-99 nucleus with a half life of just a few hours). They are, in fact, made of pure lead, it's really only the labels...
A pretty hollow lamp made of solid rock salt from the Himalays. The composition I list is a partial list of the elements claimed to be in this type of salt (see my other Himalayan sea salt sample for a discussion of how silly this is). Source: eBay seller saltwonders Contributor: Theo...
For example, according to Mendeleev’s table, Argon should have been placed before Potassium. The solution to this problem came in 1913 when Henry Moseley organized the elements by atomic number (the number of protons an atom has). He did this by shooting electrons at atoms and analyzing ...
Alkaline earth metals are elements that belong under group II of the periodic table having valence electrons at the s-orbital of the element. Because alkaline earth metals have two electrons more than the nearest noble gas configuration of the previous period, the ions they form c...