原子序数 - Atomic Number 质子数 - Proton Number 电荷数 - Charge Number 相对原子质量 - Relative Atomic Mass 标准原子量 - Standard Atomic Weight 电离能 - Ionisation Energy / Ionization Energy (英式/美式英语拼写不同) 电子亲合能 - Electron Affinity 电负性 - Electron egativity 基态- Ground State ...
PERIOD 1 1 IA 1.008 18 2 Group IUPAC 2 4 IIA 9.01 1 1 Group CAS IA 1.008 VIIIA 4 1 H Hydrogen 3 6.94 Atomic Number Atomic Mass Atomic Symbol 2 Li 11 Lithium 22.99 Be Beryllium 12 24.31 H Hydrogen Atomic Name Metal Alkaline Metal Alkaline Earth Metal Transition Metal Lanthanide ...
An atom has an equal number of electrons and protons. 原子有相等数量的电子和质子。 This number became known as an element’s atomic number. 后来,这个数字被称为元素的原子序数。 Today, elements on the periodic table are arranged by atomic number, which gives a more accurate understanding of el...
Atomic mass unit, Avogadro constant and mole ; Atomic number ; Elementary particles ; Nucleosynthesis ; Periodic TableEarth's formation and geochemical evolution ; Elements: actinide series ; Elements: alkali and alkaline earth ; Elements: chalcophile ; Elements: distribution ; Elements...
PERIOD 1 IA 18 VIIIA 1 1.008 2 4 1 H Group IUPAC Group CAS Metal Semi Metal Non Metal He Alkaline Metal Chalcogens Element Hydrogen 2 IIA 1 IA Alkaline Earth Metal Halogens Element 13 IIIA 14 IVA 15 VA 16 VIA 17 VIIA Helium 3 6.94 4 9.01 Atomic Number 1 1.008 Atomic Mass Transiti...
The atomic number of the element is shown above the symbol. The atomic mass and the name of the element are shown below the symbol. The color indicates the physical state of the element at 25℃. The periodic table contains a weal...
1.how are the atomic numbers and the atomic masses of the elements related to how the elements are arranged on the periodic table?2.how does the number of electrons relate to the arrangement what is the different in the number of electrons in a 3rd period element and the 2nd period ...
Below is a cropping of the key provided on the table. Image source: By 2012rc [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons We are mostly concerned with the atomic number, chemical symbol, atomic mass, and name. In this example, the atomic number is 26, the chemical symbol is Fe, the atomic...
Electronshaveanegativecharge(-)andhavealmostnomassatall.AtomicStructure Subatomic=smallerthanan atom Atomsaremadeupofthreesubatomicparticles:Livewhere?Havemass?Whatcharge?ProtonsInnucleus1a.m.u + NeutronsInnucleus1a.m.u none ElectronsOutside No,- nucleusnegligible AtomicStructureVideo Elements ...
Notes: - Density units are g/cm 3 for solids and g/L or kg/cm 3 at 0° Celsius for gases - Atomic Weight based on C - ( ) indicate mass number of most stable isotope - Common Oxidation States in bold - Electron Configuration notation based on IUPAC guidelines 12 57 138.9055 2 ...