元素周期表 - Periodic Table of Elements 1.1 原子与元素 - Atom and Element 1.2 周期 - Period 1.3 族 - Group 1.4 成组元素 - Collective of Elements 基础化合物的命名构词法 - Basic Compound Nomenclature 2.1 物质的分类 - Classification of Matter 2.1.1 物质,纯净物与混合物 - Matter, Pure Substanc...
MD5:4BD8DE691352048240ED9FA77EFEB35F 包名:august.mendeleev.pro 标签:专业版软件大全初中化学高中化学 需要网络无广告 8.6 0%0% 详情介绍 元素周期表专业版(Periodic Table PRO)是一款专门为化学这门学科打造的一款专业的元素周期表学习软件,有了他你就能够随时把元素周期表带在身上,元素周期表想背就背,不浪费...
Periodic Table 元素周期表(相对分子量) PERIOD 1 IA 18 VIIIA 1 1.008 2 4 1 H Group IUPAC Group CAS Metal Semi Metal Non Metal He Alkaline Metal Chalcogens Element Hydrogen 2 IIA 1 IA Alkaline Earth Metal Halogens Element 13 IIIA 14 IVA 15 VA 16 VIA 17 VIIA Helium 3 6.94 4 9.01 Ato...
The group number is an identifier used to describe the column of the standard periodic table in which the element appears.Groups 1-2 termed s-block elements.Groups 1-2 (except hydrogen) and 13-18 are termed main group elements.Groups 3-12 are termed d-block elements....
Periodic Table概述 Elements 1Hydrogen 氢 1H:period1,groupIA/1,nonmatel 原子量1.00794电离能1312.0eV电负性2.20氧化态+1,-1电子构型1s1原子半径0.79Å离子半径0.012Å熔点-258.975︒C沸点-252.732︒C氢是一种化学元素,在元素周期表中位于第一位。氢通常的...
the-periodic-tableppt课件 系统标签: periodicgroupmetalselementsilearnperiod -1 ThePeriodicTable E-LearningUnit1 PatternsinthePeriodicTable -2 ArrangementofElements ElementsarearrangedinthePeriodicTablein orderofprotonnumbersprotonnumbers,whichincreases fromlefttorightacrosstheTable. -3 ArrangementofElements Ahor...
IfIsaid…Period2,Group1,thatwouldbethe element…Li–Lithium.Period5,Group7,thatwouldbethe element…I–IodinePeriod7,Group2,thatwouldbethe element…Ra-Radium TransitionMetals.Theseguysarefoundinthemiddleblockofelementsontheperiodictable…Theydonothavegroups,buttheydohaveperiods.TransitionMetalsaregenerally...
When Dmitri Mendeleev drew up the periodic table, he grouped elements of similar properties. Based on the number of electrons, a scientist can determine which group to place an element into.This pattern is called a period(or row) on the periodic table. ...
The standard table provides the necessary basics. There are also other methods for displaying the chemical elements for more details or different perspectives.Standard periodic table Group’ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Period 1 1 H 2 He 2 3 Li 4 Be 5 B ...
Periodic table is the arrangement of all the known chemical elements by their atomic number and electronic configurations. There are seven periods and sixteen groups present in a periodic table. Elements with similar properties are found in the same group of the periodic table....