Alkali Metals: Group 1 elements; highly reactive with one outer electron. Alkaline Earth Metals: Group 2 elements; less reactive with two outer electrons. Transition Metals: Central block elements, multiple oxidation states, good conductor...
Alkali Metals: Group 1 elements; highly reactive with one outer electron. Alkaline Earth Metals: Group 2 elements; less reactive with two outer electrons. Transition Metals: Central block elements, multiple oxidation states, good conductors...
The following names for specific groups in the periodic table are in common use: Group 1: alkali metals Group 2: alkaline earth metals Group 11: coinage metals (not an IUPAC approved name) Group 15: pnictogens (not an IUPAC approved name) ...
The following names for specific groups in the periodic table are in common use: Group 1: alkali metals Group 2: alkaline earth metals Group 11: coinage metals (not an IUPAC approved name) Group 15: pnictogens (not an IUPAC approved name) ...
Group 1 (with one valence electron) and Group 2 (with two valence electrons) are called thealkali metalsand thealkaline-earth metals, respectively. Two series of elements branch off from Group 3, which contains thetransition elements, or transition metals; elements 57 to 71 are called thelantha...
Periodic table terms Shape of the table A result of the pattern of electron configuration Group (AKA family) Vertical column on the periodic table Share the same number of valence electrons & often share similar properties Memorize names of 4 families Group 1 – Alkali metals Group 2 – Alkalin...
Alkali metals form a part of the leftmost group, i.e. group 1 of the modern periodic table. It contains six elements, which are collaboratively called the Lithium family. These metals are highly reactive metals of the periodic table due to the presence of one electron in their outermost shel...
Why does reactivity increase going down a group? Down a group, the ionization potential readily decreases. Thus, a metal gets oxidized more easily. The reactivity increases on going down a group. What are the five metals on the periodic table? The periodic table has a lot of metals. Names...
The following names for specific groups in the periodic table are in common use: Group 1: alkali metals Group 2: alkaline earth metals Group 11: coinage metals (not an IUPAC approved name) Group 15: pnictogens (not an IUPAC approved name) ...
Alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, transition metals, actinides, lanthanides, and poor metals are all collectively known as "metals". Halogens and noble gases are also non-metals (except astatine and ununseptium). Element categoriesin theperiodic table ...