IGCSE化学(Periodic Table)鹅子老师 立即播放 打开App,流畅又高清100+个相关视频 更多139 -- 3:24 App IGCSE化学(ionic compound) 235 -- 4:32 App IGCSE化学(physical properties of metal) 183 -- 3:27 App IGCSE化学(chemical equation) 124 -- 3:08 App IGCSE化学(chemical property) 119 -- ...
78.1. THE PERIODIC TABLE 元素周期表 (图片可点击放大) In this section, we will explore the periodic table, which organizes chemical elements and provides valuable information about their properties and relationships. Understanding the periodic...
The periodic table is a system that scientists use to organize and classify chemical elements. 元素周期表是科学家用来记录和分类化学元素的系统。 Originally, many scientists tried to sort the elements by properties. 最初,许多科学家试图按性质对元素进行分类。 One of the early models of the periodic...
124 Commits schemas scripts LICENSE.md PeriodicTableCSV.csv PeriodicTableJSON.json README.md periodic-table-lookup.json README License Periodic-Table-JSON A json of the entire periodic table. Feel free to use it in your projects. Temperatures such as boiling points and melting points are given ...
Fix typos in uncertainties in the neutron table (Zr-90, Te-124, Ba-138, Sm-147) Use correct activation for Pb-208 which was entered as barns rather than mbarns Use Aug 2023 update to X-ray scattering factors (Pt, Cr, Nb, Y, Er) ...
英文原版教材 DK元素周期表图解百科 The Periodic Table Book 化学元素视觉百科 进口儿童英语工具书 英文版原版书籍 分享服务支持退换 · 7天无理由退货 · 收货后结算 参数 纸质; 版本 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 质量很好(158) 正品(124) 坚固耐用(50) 厚度适中(31) 字体适宜(31) 容量够大(31) 物流...
Besides the periodic table of chemical elements, you can use the Table of solubility. Differences PRO version of FREE: - More interactive tables - Continuous addition of new application information elements - More information about the additional elements - Conductivity - Electric type - Magnetic ...
elements periodic table 元素周期表 热度: Periodic Table of the Elements的元素周期表 热度: 高清彩色元素周期表 热度: NOBLEGASES 1H1.008 Hydrogen 1s 1 OxidationStatesElectroneg. 12.2 AtomicRadiusIonicRadius 37– ElectronAffinity1stIon.Pot. 0.7513.60 ...
10. Enter 'U' to use the Employee Hourly Rate from the Union Pay Rate Table. Blank will default the rate from the Employee Master. 11. Enter the Directory you would like your .TXT file to be written to. If left blank, it will go to a default location. Note: The Directory path...