英文名称:Offshore containers and associated lifting sets — Part 3: Periodic inspection, examination and testing 标准状态:现行 发布日期:2024-11-20 文档简介 ISO10855-3:2024标准主要涵盖了海上集装箱和相关提升设备的第三部分:定期检查、检查和测试。它主要涉及以下内容: 1.**海上集装箱的定义和特性**:...
【英语版】国际标准 ISO 10855-3:2024 EN Offshore containers and associated lifting sets — Part 3: Periodic inspection, examination and testing 近海集装箱及相关起重设备—第3部分:定期检验、检查和测试.pdf,ISO 10855-3:2024 Offshore containers and associated
【英语版】国际标准 ISO 10855-3:2018 EN 海上集装箱和相关吊装设备 第3部分:定期检查、检验和测试 Offshore containers and associated lifting sets — Part 3: Periodic inspection, examination and testing.pdf,ISO 10855-3:2018《近海集装箱和相关起重设备-第3部分:
Offshore containers and associated lifting sets — Part 3: Periodic inspection, examination and testingdoi:ISO 10855-3:2018本文件规定了按照ISO 10855建造的海上货运和服务集装箱的定期检查,检查和测试要求1,最大总质量不超过25 000 kg及其相关起重装置,用于往返海上设施和船舶之间的重复使用.还包括海上集装箱...
< BS ISO 20475-2018 Gas cylinders. Cylinder bundles. Periodic inspection and testing搜索 BSI Standards PublicationGas cylinders — Cylinder bundles — Periodic inspection and testingBS ISO 20475:2018 阅读原文 下载APP
【正版授权-英语版】 ISO 23876:2022 EN Gas cylinders - Cylinders and tubes of composite construction - Acoustic emission examination (AT) for periodic inspection and testing上传人:中国标准出版社 IP属地:四川 上传时间:2024-07-09 格式:PDF 页数:1 大小:300KB 积分:799 ...
1)cylinder periodic inspection and testing气瓶定期检验 英文短句/例句 1.Periodic inspection and evaluation of dissolved acetylene cylindersGB13076-1991溶解乙炔气瓶定期检验与评定 2.Periodic inspection and evaluation of seamless steel gas cylindersGB13004-1999钢质无缝气瓶定期检验与评定 3.Periodic inspection and...
5.记录和报告:该标准要求对检查结果进行记录和报告,以便相关人员了解气瓶捆绑结构的状况并采取相应的措施。 ISO20475:2018ENGascylinders—Cylinderbundles—Periodicinspectionandtesting标准是为了确保气体气瓶捆绑结构的安全使用而制定的,它提供了一套详细的检查和测试方法,以确保气瓶在各种条件下都能保持安全可靠的性能。
This paper express the difference between the current seamless gas cylinders periodic inspection and evaluation standards with the international standard expression,in view of Chinese laws and regulations system of special equipment to the international trend,beside our country implement the standards for mo...