PeriodicChartofAminoAcids .bachem Ser Serine S 105.09 87.08 C 3 H 7 NO 3 1-LetterAmino AcidCode RelativeMolecular Mass M r –H 2 0 MolecularFormula 3-LetterAmino AcidCode Chemical Structure Chemical Name Basic Non-polar (hydrophobic)
CMLS-3-Love and War_Chemistry of Periodic Chart War_Chemistry of Periodic Chart_电子/电路_工程...锰还参与植物光合作用的释氧过程;锰是核酸结构中的...例如,含硫的氨基酸酶中的硫被硒取 代后,这些氨基酸...相关主题 amino acids amino acids 影响因子 组织结构图 人体骨骼结构图 公司组织结构图 结构图 ...
This periodic table depicts not only the trends of nuclear properties, but also reproduces their numerical values that remain very close to the experimental values (difference less than 4%). The Segre Chart is based on the number of protons, Z, and the number of neutrons, N. It is like ...