When you took the pregnancy test and they were negative: how late were you at that point? Thanks and best wishes! Captiva Reply jeannine_29 over a year ago Hi there :-) To answer your question I was a week to several weeks late when they came out negative! I was in shock when...
hi i wondered if anyone could help, me and my boyfriend have had un-protected sex a couple of times however i was late on my period for 10days then i took a pregnancy test and it came back negative and then a few days later i started bleeding then it stopped after 6 days which ...
which is not usual as my period lasts 4 or 5 days. So this month is February and my period is 11 days late. My breast is tender and I'm feeling tired. Also, I took 6 pregnancy tests on separate occasions including 2 from yesterday but they are all negative. I'm just looking for...
If your pregnancy test comes out negative but you feel that you might be pregnant, repeat the test a week after the date you missed your period. You may want to visit your healthcare provider if you are not confident about the result of your pregnancy test. Frequently asked questions (FAQs...
Testing too soon might yield a negative result but you can always repeat it after three to four days. It is also misleading to see a negative result yet you are really pregnant which is why it is important to take a pregnancy test at the perfect timing. If you want the opinion of a ...
What is a late or missed period, and what can cause it other than pregnancy? Ovulation occurs between days 12 and 20 of your cycle and you are most likely to get pregnant during this fertile window. Learn the early signs of pregnancy and when to take a pregnancy test to get accurate re...
Hi, im also in same situation but today im 1 week delayed on my period. I had also back pain and cramps but negatived in pregnacy test. Still thinking whats happening January 31, 2018 - 5:29am reply Flag as offensive This Comment ...
Using a cross-sectional design, we were unable to determine if these STIs were new infections or infections acquired during late pregnancy and were untreated due to their asymptomatic nature. In an earlier report, we provided evidence that pregnant women are at continued risk of acquiring incident...
Pregnancy test negative should i go for blood test ??? Reply cckp713 over a year ago i have the same problem, my boyfriend and i did it for the first time this past friday.. the 13th ... ironic huh? but he didnt go all the way in and it was only once, i was worried ...
I took a pregnancy test, and it was negative. Is it still too soon to take a pregnancy test? When should I take one if so? I have a doctors appointment soon, just in case. With a nurse I can talk to... But I'd like to know before. I also recently went OFF my birth control...