Find out what the paleolithic means and discover how the Paleolithic Age was defined by different time periods, human biological development, and...
paleographist paleography paleoichthyology Paleo-Indian Paleo-Indian culture Paleola paleoliberal paleolith Paleolithic Paleolithic Age Paleologist paleology paleomagnetism paleomagnetist paleomammalogy Paleontographical Paleontography paleontologic ▼
1. 旧石器时代 在石器时代(Stone Age),包括旧石器时代(Paleolithic Period )、中石器时代(Mesolithic Period )和新时期时代(Neolithic Period)…|基于22个网页 例句 释义: 全部,旧石器时代 更多例句筛选 1. Cave art seems to have reached a peak toward the end of the Upper Paleolithic ...
Old Stone Age (redirected fromPaleolithic period) Thesaurus Encyclopedia Related to Paleolithic period:Mesolithic period Old Stone Age n. SeePaleolithic. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by...
So far, fourteen Paleolithic sites have been discovered in the upper reaches of the Jing River.For many years,however, there have been different opinions on their age and cultural nature. This article makes a further study on the stratal age and cultural periods of the Paleolithic sites in th...
The Neolithic followed the Paleolithic period (and in northwestern Europe the Mesolithic) and preceded the Bronze Age. The research discovered that paleolithic period dog's mouth department is short, and width. Paleolithic period intermediate stage important anthropolite, has Ma Baren, the Changyang ...
By the Neolithic period, there were human settlements in the area of Lake Dian. 新石器时代,滇湖一带就有人类居住。 The village cluster stage for many generations beginning from Neolithic period. 起始于新石器时代而传承不息的乡村聚落阶段。 By Paleolithic standards, technology evolved at a blister...
The Paleolithic Period refers to a prehistoric era lasting over 35,000 years, characterized by gradual settlement across the East European Plain and the development of diverse cultures that are integral to the European Upper Paleolithic. AI generated definition based on:Encyclopedia of Archaeology (Seco...
Paleolithic period(pāˌlēəlĭthˈĭk, –lēō–, pălˌ–)orOld Stone Age,the earliest period of human development and the longest phase of mankind's history. It is approximately coextensive with the Pleistocene geologic epoch, beginning about 2 million years ago and ending in vario...
5) paleolithic age 旧石器时代 1. The results indicated that as early as 700 Ka ago,Chinese men in the early paleolithic age had already adopted heat treatment metho. 对我国旧石器时代30处有关用火遗迹所得到的研究结果进行的详细分析,可以看出当时所用的主要材料是石质、骨质、角质和木质材料。