You can take painkillers to manage any menstrual-related discomfort like cramps, and remember: never feel pressured to engage in any sexual activity you don’t want to. After all, nothing is sexier thanconsent. Communicate with your partner ...
If your periods are irregular, or you do not have periods for some reason, you can do a pregnancy test at least three weeks after having sexual intercourse. It is recommended to take a pregnancy test as soon as possible if you miss your period or if you think you might be pregnant. Kn...
the reason i feel like i am pregnate is because i am a week late on my period for one. Just starting recently i have been waking up with cramps in my stomach. usually i can wake up and have a ciggerette but i cant now, yesterday i vomited 2 hours after i woke up and today ...
Cramps during early pregnancy can be linked to various changes as the body adjusts to being pregnant. Pregnancy cramps can be due to implantation, uterine changes, or hormonal changes. If you are experiencing cramps but no period, it is essential to take a pregnancy test and consult a health...
the cramps are not as severe as with my regular period. what can this be? im really tired and sleepy, which is weird cause ive been going to bed really early lately. i do not have any other symptoms other than being a little...well...gasy. please advise, could i be pregnant? i ...
I’m five days late, but experiencing very strong cramps that feel like the start of a period. Is it too early to take a test? Also, what’s the likelihood that I’m pregnant? Answer: If you're late, you can test now. Any time you have sex there is a chance of pregnancy. ...
Menstrual-like cramps can show up after exercise (or anytime) if you have a condition that effects your reproductive organs, per theNational Library of Medicine, including: Fibroids Endometriosis Pelvic inflammatory disease 2. You Could Have IBS ...
GP Apps 專為iPhone 設計 4.8 • 817 則評分 免費 提供App 內購買 截圖 iPhone Apple Watch 簡介 Period Tracker, the easiest way to track your health! *Now supports HealthKit, 3DTouch, TouchID, portrait charts, Advanced TTC Mode (the easiest way to get pregnant by following the homepage timeli...
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I skipped my period last month, which i think was due to stress. I took 3 tests and they all came out negative, i havent started my period yet for this month but for the last 2 weeks i have been having massive cramps and having to poop alot. These cramps literally are very painful...