9.You ___ leave at once or you'll be late. 答案:had better 10.You should ___ every minute to study hard. 答案:make use of Ⅳ.单句写作 1.他们还太小,不明白发生了什么事。 They are ___ what is going on. 答...
A late period could be due to a number of things, stress is a big one that can cause a late or missed period...If she has had a period after your last intercourse then chances are shes not pregnant, but if you still have your doubts then take another home test just to see...Hope...
starting menopause:one of the tell-tale signs of perimenopause (the time leading up to the menopause) is irregular periods9 certain types of contraception:both the contraceptive pill and coil can change your ‘normal’ menstruation cycle pregnancy:a late period can be the first sign of pregnancy...
he didn't ejaculate, but we were still worried. I was so worried I had tricked my body into thinking I actually was pregnant. The medication could also take a toll on your body, hence the cramps and late period. The only way to know for sure is to take a test or consult your doct...
Of course, if your egg remains unfertilised, both oestrogen and progesterone will decline during the late luteal phase as your body prepares to start this cycle all over again. How do these hormonal fluctuations affect exercise performance? Oestrogen and progesterone have different physiological ...
If the cramps are persistent or severe, it's advisable to consult a health care professional for a thorough evaluation and appropriate diagnosis. Why does it feel like my period is coming but it’s not? This can be due to several reasons, including hormonal fluctuations, stress, changes in ...
D.It’snevertoolatetotakeactiontoprotecttheenvironment. 答案D Activity1Summary Extinctions,whereentirespeciesarewipedout,arenotunusualinourEarth’shistory.In fact,over90percentofallspecies1.thateverlivedarenowextinct.Inthelast500millionyears, there2.havebeen(be)fivetimeswhenlifeonEarthhasalmostended,3.in...
How delay Can stress make your period? If you're under a lot of stress, your bodycan stay in fight-or-flight mode, which can make you temporarily stop ovulating. This lack of ovulation, in turn, can delay your period. How late can your period be without being pregnant?
If your period is late but your pregnancy test is negative, your period may be late, which can occur due to a number of different factors including, stress, anxiety, excessive exercise, extreme weight loss and illnesses. Your periods may also be late or irregular if you have ...
can she miss her period because of being to stressed out about the whole situation? (she never missed it before, but was up to 2 weeks late one time) when do pregnancy symptons start kickin in? PLEASE HELP. THANKS Remove Ads agent10ve36105over a year ago ...