With its stylized visuals and atmospheric synth-heavy soundtrack, the film evokes the gritty, neon-drenched aesthetic of 1980s crime dramas, providing a modern homage to the genre. Actors: Ryan Gosling, Carey Mulligan, Bryan Cranston, Albert Brooks, Oscar Isaac Directed by: Nicola...
over 10 episodes, “Dickensian” brings together some of literature’s most iconic characters, including Scrooge, Fagin and Miss Havisham, as their lives intertwine in 19th century London. With a wealth of back stories sourced from the novels, the British period drama “Dickensian” delivers fast...
the show has gained a following for its fresh take on the period genre, pushing the boundaries of traditional historical dramas. with its witty dialogue and engaging characters, o ur flag means death stands out as a distinctive entry, captivating audiences with its blend of humor and histo...
From British costume dramas to sweeping romantic epics, there’s a lot here by the end of the season, so to help you keep track: the blue TVs next to the title mean the film is included with your membership, the orange TVs mean it is available to rent or is available with a Prime ...
‘Reclaiming Narratives’ theme, Adama Juldeh Munu examines the film’s impact in opening doors for Black women in British period dramas set in pre-modern times like Bridgerton, Queen Charlotte, and Anne Boleyn, and the case for period dramas that showcase the lives of under-represented ...
I don't know about you, but I want my love stories set to lush music, and my characters bombarded with upwellings of earnest emotion. Generally, modern day romance movies feature meet-cutes, marital woes, misunderstandings that are eventually resolved with a kiss. They’re not sweeping, they...
RELATED:A Literary Halloween: 50 Fun Female Book Characters To Dress Up As I include examples of classic gothic stories, gothic period dramas steeped in romance without the supernatural, gothic paranormal romances or urban fantasies, gothic horror, and period dramas using aspects of gothic storytellin...
If sexy period dramas are your thing then you need to know about Harlots. As the name would suggest, the series is about brothels set in 18th-century London. The main character Margaret Wells has several Black women working for her and has a biracial son with her partner, played by ...
it aired on HBO for its crazy high production value and constant appearances by historical characters that made it feel more like an Assassin's Creed game than a TV show, and takes place at the perfect time to start off a chronological viewing of the best period dramas currently streaming. ...
Period dramas on Amazon Prime are a phenomenal form of escapism. This sub-genre of drama can harken back to any time period that viewers want. Whether fans are searching for drama, history, or just incredible production and costuming. There are some standout titles that fit the bill. These...