period最普通用词,概念广泛,时间长短不限,既可指任何一个历史时期,又可指个人或自然界的一个发展阶段。 以上来源于网络 period词源中文解释 早在15世纪,“periode”,指“一段时间的课程或范围; 疾病的循环。”来自于14世纪的古法语“periode”,并直接源自于中世纪拉丁语“periodus”的“循环部分,周期”,来自于...
In any case, unlike the formation of reproductive organs and the genitals, the final and decisive shaping of the braincontinues throughout postnatal lifein both sexes, involving the death of a significant number of neurons after birth, an intensive sexualization of the brain and reproductive behav...
Just as every hero’s journey has a beginning, a middle, and an end that cause us to traverse our inner shadows, so does Mercury retrograde. The three-week retrograde is only the middle of the story. What occurs before and after—the beginning and the end—are pivotal transits known as ...
—Changes in the composition and structure of epiphytic lichen communities have been analyzed over 5 years (2014–2018) after significant reduction of emissions from the Middle Ural Copper Smelter on the basis of annual observations in 22 permanent sampling plots established in spruce–fir forests of...
s enrollment report is completed on Sept. 20 of each year, and this year’s report shows that district enrollment has dropped by 299 students. The total enrollment for 2022 after an audit from the Kansas State Depart...
Analysis of COVID-19 transmission sources in France by self-assessment before and after the partial lockdown: observational study. J Med Internet Res. 2021;23(5):e26932. doi:10.2196/26932PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 30. Ding K, Yi B, Chen Y, et al. Epidemic cluster of ...
Cohorts born after the introduction of the 1947 Health Act in Ireland, which completely reformed health care delivery, appear to have benefited from improved growth and development patterns in childhood during the 1950s and 60s. There was considerable interest in early childhood nutrition in that ...
Based on this initial survey of surface collections, it appears that iron production at Preah Khan occurred after the final phase of masonry construction. More significantly, this work provides the first robust set of dates for late Angkorian and Middle period industrial activities in Cambodia. ...
Though it was not expressly prohibited by conciliar canons, it became more and more difficult for married men to enter major orders after the Second Lateran Council, so much so that some historiographical sources attribute this council with having definitively introduced celibacy in the Roman ...
Filial imprinting in precocial birds is the process of forming a social attachment during a sensitive or critical period, restricted to the first few days after hatching. Imprinting is considered to be part of early learning to aid the survival of juveni