This solves a question left open in Ambrosio etal. (Calculus of variations: topics from mathematical heritage of Ennio De Giorgi. Quad Mat). As a consequence, we prove a general chain rule for BV functions in this setting.doi:10.1007/s10231-010-0130-9Luigi Ambrosio...
"area=”+rectangle.area(5,4) 样的话你看这个就不难了,area在双引号里就是说它是要显示出来的,这个加号的意思是说这里有两项内容要显示,要是显示三项的话再来一个加号就是了,依次类推……Static int perimeter(int length,int width) {}这里是对这个方法的定义它有两个变量一个是...
Question:For a rectangle with an area of 81 to have the smallest perimeter, what dimensions should it have?Minimum for a Function:With the use of the second derivative we can prove the existence of a minimum value of the function:
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It addresses the question of how well'ordinary drilling' can be made. The answer is that it will usually not meet the requirements in drilling tolerance class 1 of the Swedish AMA'83 specifications. The latter specifies e. g. that for 5 holes of 6, the collaring error be less than 4...