A CT abdomen and pelvis with contrast revealed mild diffuse wall thickening and edema in the descending and sigmoid colon and an incidental finding of a moderate sized low-density pericardial effusion. EKG was found to be unremarkable. An echocardiogram confirmed a pericardial effusion with pre-...
A CT of your chest or an MRI of your heart. These tests can show an effusion, but they are not the best tests to identify an effusion. An ultrasound of your heart (echocardiogram),which can show the size of the effusion and if there's any evidence of cardiac tamponade. This is the ...
Some tests that may help your doctor diagnose a pericardial effusion include: An EKG,which measures the electrical activity in your heart. This will show if your heart isn't beating properly. A chest X-ray,which may show a water bottle-shaped heart if you've had a large amount of fluid...
How Is a Pericardial Effusion Diagnosed? Diagnosing it can be challenging and is based on symptoms, physical examination findings, and several specific tests. Chest radiography (also known as chest x-ray) may show the heart symmetrically enlarged, particularly toward the bottom, reflecting the fluid...
This case report demonstrates pericardial effusion, acute pericarditis, and cardiac tamponade in an otherwise healthy woman who had a positive test result for coronavirus disease 2019. Few case reports have been documented on patients with this presentat
Primary effusion lymphoma (PEL) or body cavity lymphoma is a rare type of extra nodal lymphoma of B-cell origin that presents as lymphomatous effusion(s) without any nodal enlargement or tumor masses. It belongs to the group of AIDS related non-Hodgkin’
Pericardial Effusion 1. Describe 2. acute or chronic? 1. fluid accumulation in the pericardial sac for a large variety of reasons (serous, purulent, bloody) 2. may be acute or chronic Pericardial Effusion Etiologies (8) 1. neoplasms
Though incidence remains rare, a high index of suspicion should be maintained in Patients receiving this immune check point inhibitor. The Decision to continue therapy after a cardiovascular event such as Pericardial Effusion should be individualized.Daniel A Ubokudom...
EKG showed sinus tachycardia and electrical alternans. Bedside Echocardiogram revealed large pericardial effusion with evidence of tamponade. Subsequently, patient was taken to operating room for pericardial window but the patient went into cardiopulmonary arrest requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation, following ...
Pericardial effusion is less common in hyperthyroidism compared to hypothyroidism. Here we report a 20 year old with pericardial effusion, later diagnosed with Grave's disease. Case Summary: A 20-year-old female with a past medical history of anxiety, depression, and seizure disorder presented to...