Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 644 reviews Hide spoilersReview RatingsShow all Sort byFeatured 8/10 The critics are wrong - Brilliant! With "The Perfume" it's like with any blockbuster movie: if the critics praise it, it's horrible - if the critics hate it, it's brilliant.I had th...
Review of Tom Tykwer's adaptation of Patrick Süskind's novel about a man who murders in pursuit of the ultimate essence, starring Ben Whishaw as the perfumer/nutjob
While Tom Tykwer's lavish and lively screen adaptation of Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is certainly not a stinker, there is something decidedly off about it. By Jennie Punter FULL REVIEW Wall Street Journal Weaves a sensual spell of extraordinary delicacy, then sustains it -- up to a ...
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer 这是最完美的香水。 以少女的绝妙体香为基底,含苞待放的芬芳为主干,他将用这瓶香水,把她们的美永远地收藏。这部电影根据1985年德国作家聚斯金德的畅销小说《香水:一个杀人犯的故事》改编。这是一部演义人性、社会、理性与感性非常透彻的的作品。欲望一方面扼杀了人们固有的天真,...
Perfume, the story of a murderer 提示:这篇影评可能有剧透 有人跟我说那是恐怖片,有人跟我说可以把它当笑片看。我看了,S,那是彻头彻尾的艺术片。 这部片子充满中世纪式诡异的美感,讲述一个肮脏的故事,却异常美丽,更有出乎意料的情节。其一是行刑那一场,其二是他最后为自己挑选的结局。
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer.(Movie review)Elley, Derek
Review User ratings Also known as Jean-Baptiste Grenouille came into the world unwanted, expected to die, yet born with an unnerving sense of smell that created alienation as well as talent. Of all the smells around him, Grenouille is beckoned to the scent of a woman's soul, and spends ...
"人们从狄德罗和卢梭身上学会了怀疑君主秩序,从达朗贝尔身上学会了怀疑宗教秩序,怀疑发展为颠覆,成为整个时代的主旋律,裹挟着生活在这个时代里的所有人,不论愿意相信秩序还是更愿意去怀疑它,都身不由己地卷入这个了旋涡:Baldini曾经门庭若市的香水店铺现在变得冷冷清清,而这一切都是因为街对面一个名不见经传的vinegar ...