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Los Angeles High School of The Arts 701 S. Catalina St. Los Angeles, California 90005 #945 in California High Schools School For The Visual Arts And Humanities 701 S. Catalina St. Los Angeles, California 90005 #608 in California High Schools Ambass...
Both are forms of visual arts in which actors portray they characters, have a script to follow and greatly appreciated. However, they’re not intended for the same people or place. One of the major differences between film and live theater is going to be the audience’s location. On stage...
Alexandra Solea, PhD, is a senior performing arts manager and creative entrepreneur, with 16+ years experience in CCIs. High-profile positions, in public and private sectors, have rounded out my senior arts administration expertise.
Management and organization scholars have long been intrigued by the performing arts—music, theater, and dance—as a rich context for studying o
New York vs London visual:“Looking across Washington Square Park at Midtown Manhattan, up 5th Avenue,”by Doc Searls via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0); andBack Lane, Hampstead, by Dun.can via Flickr (CC BY-SA 2.0). Bottom visual:Coconutrehearsal, performance and promo piece, all supplied. ...
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We focus on the performing arts as a special arts domain that is distinct from others such as the visual and media arts in its modes of creation, production, distribution and consumption (Chartrand, 2000). The performing arts have high production costs and a labor-intensive nature that makes ...
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New performative modes of ‘thought-action’ draw instead from such areas as experimental arts, indigenous media, neuroscience, and recombinant culture, mashing up practices of orality and literacy, stabil-ity and plasticity, mythic and dialectical thought, visual and aural forms, contemplative and ...