Presents information on top-performing bond mutual funds ranked by one-year performance up to September 19, 1994. Investment-grade corporate; High-yield corporate; Investment-grade tax-exempt; High-yield tax-exempt; U.S. Government; Mortgage; International and global.Brandon...
Bond values are plummeting right now. But in the longer run, these 20 funds show why it pays to invest in fixed income.
funds generate relatively higher returns while taking higher credit risk. Risk averse investors may create wealth by investing in corporate bond funds which invest in high quality securities. Besides,liquid fundsare ideal short term investments for creating an emergency fund. If you have an investment...
In November, because of other Asian countries' financial crises and the downgrade of Korea's sovereign rating, the rollover ratio of short-term external debt fell rapidly, and the flight of foreign funds in stock and bond markets started. The rollover ratio of the seven largest commercial banks...
Invest in top performing Mutual funds online. DreamLadder Capital provides digital financial advice and portfolio allocation in line with your risk profile.
Top & Best Dynamic Debt Funds They invest a major portion in various debt instruments such as bonds, corporate debentures, government securities and money market instruments of various maturities and issuers. Dynamic Bond Funds invest in debt securities of different maturity profiles. These funds are...
Columbia Corporate Income Fund SRINX | Institutional 1.68 3.49 -0.21 0.83 2.57 6.07 3/5/1986 0.71 0.63 8/31/2025 Morningstar Category: Corporate Bond 3.46 -0.62 0.26 2.23 - Columbia Disciplined Growth Fund CLQZX | Institutional -0.90 27.63 13.06 17.41 15.20 1...
Ranks the performance several bond funds at one year. Total return, expense ratio, minimum initial investment, and other data on investment-grade and high-yield corporate bonds, and tax exempt municipal bonds; Vanguard Long-Term Bond Index, EquiTrust Strategic Yield, and others....
Corporate bondTrading volumeLiquidityWe investigate the relationship between the transactional activity of asset management companies (AMCs) in the non-performing loan (NPL) market and their corresponding debt issuances in a niche bond market in Borsa Istanbul. We analyze the determinants of the ...