statistics_level 参数是oracle9.2开始引入的一个控制系统统计参数收集的一个开关.一共有三个:basic,typical,all.支持alter session,alter system 动态修改.如果要用statspack或者AWR收集系统性能统计数据.那么这个参数的值必须为typical或all.通常all是一个全面收集,包括 OS以及sql执行路径方面的一些统计信息,除非遇见非常...
Automatic Performance Diagnosis and Tuning in Oracle Karl Dias, Mark Ramacher, Uri Shaft, Venkateshwaran Venkataramani, Graham Wood Oracle Corporation 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065, USA {kdias, mramache, ushaft, veeve, gwood} Abstract Performance tuning in modern data...
While you can carry out Oracle 12c performance tuning manually, this practice isn’t reliable or sustainable. I recommend investing in anOracle 12c performance tuning tool, which will perform necessary Oracle 12c tuning tasks on its own. This way, you can focus on what’s important while feelin...
This section describes new performance tuning features of Oracle Database 11gRelease 2 (11.2) and provides pointers to additional information.The features and enhancements described in this section comprise the overall effort to optimize database performance. For a summary of all new features for Oracl...
Oracle Performance Tuning Course Curriculum This Oracle Performance Tuning course curriculum, designed by DBA experts, provides the skillset needed to scale up through various Database Administration Roles in the organization. We ensure you become an expert at Performance Tuning, Performance Views, Explai... Question:I am new to Oracle tuning, and I want to know the steps for Oracle performance tuning. Answer:As of Oracle 11g, Oracle has codified a top-down tuning approach, with the first steps being very broad, and succes...
Whenever possible, you should run ADDM using Oracle Enterprise Manager, as described in Oracle Database 2 Day + Performance Tuning Guide. If Oracle Enterprise Manager is unavailable, you can run ADDM using the DBMS_ADDM package. In order to run the DBMS_ADDM APIs, the user must be granted ...
摘要:第一篇: 《Oracle等待事件1之分别用表和索引上数据的访问来产生db file scattered read等待事件》第二篇: 《Oracle等待事件2之构造一个DB File Sequential Read等待事件和构造一个Direct Path Read等待事件》第三篇: 《暂无》三、构造一个DB File Sequential Read等待时间,等待事件需要在v$session_wait和10046...
Oracle database 10 g provides tuning tools such as the structured query language (SQL) access advisor and SQL tuning advisor, which can be invaluable assistants to a database administrator (DBA) in simplifying the ongoing tasks of performance tuning. With these tools index and materialized views ...
The Art and Science of Oracle Performance Tuning (Apress, 2004) by Christopher Lawson, of The Oracle Magician, organizes his sage tips according to analogous job roles of a DBA: 1) Physician 2) Detective 3) Pathologist 4) Artist, and 5) Magician. High-performance Oracle : Proven Methods ...