必应词典为您提供Performance-test-report的释义,网络释义: 性能试验报告;性能检测报告;
产品性能试验报告Performancetestreport 提交原因Submissionreason PPAP提交问题纠正过程控制其它 供应商名称Suppliername:检验机构名称:Testorganization:PPAPsubmissionproblemcorrectionprocesscontrolothers零件号码PartNo.:工装编号ToolingNo.:零件名称Partname:更改等级/日期Modificationlevel/date:模腔数量Diecavityquantity:模腔...
Test Tool The performance test in this document is conducted with the TPC-C benchmark load built in HammerDB. TPC-C is a typical OLTP workload that simulates a scenario where a wholesaler with multiple warehouses ships goods to a large number of customers. The adjustment of the number of...
performance test report(性能测试)PerformanceTestReport Model:1.Panel S/N:Luminanc Quality e Pattern Description Criteria DotDefects WhiteBrightDotR,G,B1dot N≦(A區不能有點)adjacent2dots N≦ BlackDarkDot R,G,B1dot N≦(A區不能有點)adjacent2dotsTotalamount N≦(A區不能有點)N≦(A區不...
performance test report(性能测试) 下载积分:100 内容提示: Model : S/N:1. Panel Quality Luminance Colorimeter : Minolta CA-210 Date:Pattern CriteriaDot Defects White Bright Dot R,G,B 1dot N≦ (A區不能有點)adjacent 2 dots N≦Black Dark Dot R,G,B 1dot N≦ (A區不能有點)adjacent 2...
性能测试 Performance Test Report 时间隔了很久,两年左右了吧,最近打开原来的测试报告,测试数据还是很漂亮的。TPS比我记忆中的要高很多。 数据中有些是定死了的(当时的要求),并发不是计算的,是用几个值跑起来试试看的。因为后期我们会用SMS推送,SMS推送的速率可以控制,SMS本身存在点击率,也就是转化率吧。
Performance Test Reportvisualstudio2005teamtest3399在测试环境下模拟80个虚拟用户进行测试时在45分钟后虚拟用户预算数据录入的数据库操作请求不再得到系统响应其症状与2005年12月10日郑州分公司预算数据录入时发生的情景相类似将虚拟用户减到40个用户时仍有同样情况发生只是症状发生时间稍有延长查看追踪测试各种结果数据...
PerformanceTestReport AcceleratingMS-SQLServerwithSanDisk ® EnterpriseFlashDrivesintheServer TestingConductedby: Copyright©2011FlashSoftCorporation.Published:July2011 3,323 13,795 12,985 SASRAID1SASRAID0HDD FlashSoft TM andSanDisk ® EnterpriseStorage ...
When you test a Citrix XenApp application, these reports are produced during a run and saved after a run. Citrix Performance report The Citrix performance report summarizes the validity of the run, summarizes the data most significant to the run, shows the response trend of the slowest 10 ...
When you test an HTTP system, reports are produced during a run and saved after a run. You can then analyze the reports to know the performance of the system under test.