Specifically, in chemistry, Filipino students have 30% average correct answers in TIMSS which is way below the international average of 45% correct answers. One of the most relevant skills in science learning is student’s critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills are those requiring ...
increase of oxyhemoglobin when they performed the tasks during heat exposure than those when they performed the tasks in control condition (P < 0.05), while the subjects in tropical group did not show any differences in oxyhemoglobin during task performance between control and heating conditions...
Pioneered by Filipino companies, corporate philanthropy in ASEAN countries has advanced toward more philanthropic foundations founded by large companies as an avenue for continuous contribution to society (Loh et al., 2018). The findings in Japan can be attributed to the Ministry of the Environment ...
In the execution of tasks, the majority of the students established good communication within the group, collaboration, and brainstorming which are core ideas of cooperative learning. However, there are some free-riding students; procrastination of task, the ideal number of groups, and lack of ...
The current study aimed to investigate children’s difficulties in word problem solving through assessing their ability to mathematize, or to identify the semantic role of the unknown from word problems. Fifth graders (n = 213) were given an advanced word problem reasoning task in which they ...
Sadighi (2012) used a writing task where the students had to choose one of three given topics. Since the students were not involved in the selection of the topics, their background knowledge might have affected their linguistic performance. The same applies to Tangkieng (2010) who provided ...
unify the efforts of all the agencies towards the realization of the commitments in the Philippine Development Plan 2011鈥 2016 and the Administration's five Key Results Areas (KRAs) under Executive Order (EO) No. 43, s. 2011 otherwise known as Aquino's Social Contract with the Filipino ...
(1.3 years)) public primary school students that completed the 2018 Health and School Performance Survey carried out in the Biobío province were included in this cross-sectional analysis. The BECK Anxiety Inventory (BAI) was used to measure anxiety while happiness index and self-esteem were ...