The clear division between theory-building and theory-testing stages could be perceived as artificial, and one might consider that just analyzing more cases together would be more appropriate for congruency with the analytic cycle of moving from an inductive to more deductive attitude as the interpret...
Furthermore, the relationship between positive feedback and task performance is partially moderated by the feedback-seeking culture. The current study further contextualises our understanding of workplace positive feedback and draws recommendations for managerial practice surrounding congruency between culture...
As a result, they produced a larger JSE in the joint Simon task, which requires relatively independent actions. 4.2. Intra-brain activation At the neural level of intra-brain activation, there was a significant main effect of congruency in the prefrontal cortex. Consistent with the behavioral ...
Level 1 modeled the within-subjects variability by predicting each single RT from a dummy variable for each task coding general RT and a task-specific contrast that modeled the RT difference between congruent and incongruent trials with in each task. The congruency contrasts were coded +0.5 for ...
· Substance use policies in place in 100 per cent of schools.· Early school leaving in local drugs task force (LDTF) areas reduced by 10 per cent based on the 2005/06 rate.Repeated NACD surveys over time will be very useful for monitoring the impact of the National Drugs Awareness ...
• Culture: Is there congruency with the prevailing values, beliefs, and expectations within the organization, including the ways the organiza- tion is managed, what is expected of its members, and goal attainment? • Structure: Is there a rational cascade of goals, key processes, teams, ...
Here, we investigate the specific question of whether experimentally induced ownership over a virtual limb can modulate the performance of that limb in a simple sensorimotor task. Using a Virtual reality (VR) environment we modulate body ownership in three experimental conditions with respect to the ...
However, using one's signature strengths also goes together with a sense of ownership and authenticity, leading to feelings of congruency with the environment in which one operates (Kuntz & Abbott, 2017; van den Bosch et al., 2019), which is likely to result in an improved NS fit. Show...
Responses on congruent trials are faster and more accurate compared with responses on incongruent trials (ie, congruency effect).2 Sensitive switch costs are switch costs (ie, switch minus repeat trials) on incongruent trials. The shifting task consisted of a practice phase and testing phase. The...
(De Dreu & Weingart,2003), and often the relationships cannot be salvaged when they reach that point. If these value differences are properly managed and even welcomed, we propose that employees will experience less rather than more strain and may instead experience more elaboration of task-...