The Performance of Dogs in Identifying Humans by Scent. Ph.D. Disseration, Rijksuniveristeit, Leiden.Schoon A (1997) The Performance of Dogs in Identifying Humans by Scent. Leiden, The Netherlands: Rijksuniversiteit Leiden.Schoon, G.A.A., 1997. The performance of dogs in identifying humans ...
26, the major problem COVID-19 scent-work is that very few data are available on the performance of dogs in the field, as the application of the models in the laboratory studies has not been scientifically tested in real life contexts. The present study aimed to contribute to filling this...
Rigorous training of dogs leads to high accuracy in human scent matching-to-sample performance, Sophie Marchal, Olivier Bregeras, Didier Puaux, Remi Gervais et Barbara Ferry. PLOS ONE, February 10 2016. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0146963Rigorous training of dogs leads to high accuracy in human ...