They used the ratio of the total heat exchanger area to the net power output as the objective function to optimize the ORC using the steepest descent method. They observed that the choice of working fluid could greatly affect the power plant cost. Wei et al.12 considered the system ...
(Scharber et al., 2006) derived an empirical formula, Voc=1e.EHOMODonor-ELUMOAcceptor-0.3V, which has been used to determine the VOC of organic solar cells. This formula was also utilized for determining the VOC in PSCs (Sun et al., 2014). For example, Chen et al. enhanced the ...
The disproportion in peak intensity was also investigated. The intensity ratios between D and G bands (ID/IG) were 1.05, 1.12, 1.15 and 1.9 for rGO concentrations of 1, 5, 7 and 10 wt%, respectively. The high ratio between the peak heights of D and G peaks is due to the high inci...
Interestingly, our calculations reveal that the wide range of solar spectrum can be harvested by rational combination of two dyes absorbing in different region, while at the same time maintaining their p-type characteristics. We have also shown that the relative orientations of the individual dyes ...
In this article, chang- ing the ratio of F−/Ln3+ can also a smaller F−/Ln3+ ratio than that the particles will be capped with mloefaoodrrettoFh−othriheoonsmasmibniecseoKflfLueutcit2o.FnN7 w(oFtie−th/tLhinnatc3+rceuraabstiiicnogKisKL3uF.35Fd)1o.0Ds(eFu. −rWi/...
The removal of indicator organisms in wetlands is accomplished by a combination of mechanisms including physical processes (e.g., temperature, filtration and sedimentation), chemical processes (e.g., oxidation, UV solar radiation by sunlight, aggregate on substrates, and antimicrobial compounds excreted...
ratio curves and a significantly higher content of acceptor component compared to the donor at the top interface. In contrast, the ratios of donor and acceptor components within different depths in the PM6:BTA-E3 and PM6:BTA-C6 blend films were closer to their initial blend ratio. Besides, ...
Thus, the height of incident light deviating from the Y-axis is defined as the incident angle, which corresponds to the solar altitude of the east–west placement device in practical application. As shown in Fig. 3, the light escape rate is defined as the ratio of the number of light ...
In the initial design phase, analytical methods and empirical relations are good enough to estimate the aerodynamic parameters like lift-to-drag ratio without the need to resort to computationally expensive methods. But for the accurate prediction of the aerodynamic characteristics of hybrid air vehicles...
(z) is a constant or a zero-phase low-pass filter used to improve system stability, 𝑧−𝑁z−N is the period delay in which N is the ratio of the sampling frequency 𝑓𝑠fs to the fundamental frequency 𝑓𝑔fg, 𝑆(𝑧)S(z) is a low-pass filter that is used to ...