Perform verb in COBOL is used to execute a set of COBOL statements. There are some set of statements in a program that needs to be executed repeatedly, such as reading each record of a file up to its end. The statements in the program are running in a series until or unless if any ...
4. PERFORM VARYING…. UNTIL…. 5. PERFORM THRU 6. PERFORM TIMES Inline Perform: It performs a set of Cobol statements between Perform & END-Perform. Basically this is to keep a particular logic in a boundary and execute it in a loop or number of times or execute depending upon a condi...
PERFORM WITH TEST AFTER VARYING height FROM 2 BY 2 UNTIL height = 30 LIST height; END-PERFORM; Position the cursor at the start of a COBOL performed paragraph and pressPF5. Refer to the following topics for more information related to the material discussed in this topic. ...
COBOL 语言中的 PERFORM 语句具有两方面的作用,一是实现循环,二是执行程序中的一个或多个段. 循环的作用体现在 PERFORM 后面的循环子句,如 times,until,varying 等,这些子句的作用就是判断循环条 件,根据循环条件来决定是否结束循环.我们知道,循环条件均可用 while 语句来实现,即"循环条件的初始化", 武成岗 等:...
PERFORMWITHTESTBEFOREAFTERVARYINGreferenceFROMreferenceBYreferenceUNTILconditioncommandEND-PERFORM; reference A valid z/OS Debugger COBOL reference. condition A simple relation condition. command A valid z/OS Debugger command. Usage notes A constant as a reference is allowed only on the right side of ...
PERFORMWITHTESTBEFOREAFTERVARYINGreferenceFROMreferenceBYreferenceUNTILconditioncommandEND-PERFORM; reference A valid z/OS Debugger COBOL reference. condition A simple relation condition. command A valid z/OS Debugger command. Usage notes A constant as a reference is allowed only on the right side of ...
PERFORMWITHTESTBEFOREAFTERVARYINGreferenceFROMreferenceBYreferenceUNTILconditioncommandEND-PERFORM; reference A validz/OS DebuggerCOBOL reference. condition A simple relation condition. command A validz/OS Debuggercommand. Usage notes A constant as areferenceis allowed only on the right side of theFROMand...
PERFORMWITHTESTBEFOREAFTERVARYINGreferenceFROMreferenceBYreferenceUNTILconditioncommandEND-PERFORM; reference A validz/OS DebuggerCOBOL reference. condition A simple relation condition. command A validz/OS Debuggercommand. Usage notes A constant as areferenceis allowed only on the right side of theFROMand...
PERFORMWITHTESTBEFOREAFTERVARYINGreferenceFROMreferenceBYreferenceUNTILconditioncommandEND-PERFORM; reference A validz/OS DebuggerCOBOL reference. condition A simple relation condition. command A validz/OS Debuggercommand. Usage notes A constant as areferenceis allowed only on the right side of theFROMand...
PERFORMWITHTESTBEFOREAFTERVARYINGreferenceFROMreferenceBYreferenceUNTILconditioncommandEND-PERFORM; reference A validz/OS DebuggerCOBOL reference. condition A simple relation condition. command A validz/OS Debuggercommand. Usage notes A constant as areferenceis allowed only on the right side of theFROMand...