APPEND 'ENDFORM.' TO gt_code. GENERATE SUBROUTINE POOL gt_code NAME gv_prog. WRITE : / 'Subroutine Pool Name: ', gv_prog. PERFORM subr_name IN PROGRAM (gv_prog) IF FOUND.
通过perform可以调用ABAP程序内部子程序,也可以调用其他程序的子程序 调用语法 PERFORM sub. PERFORM subr(prog) [IF FOUND]. 括号内是外部程序名 1. 2. 调用内部子程序 data: gv_val1(10) type c value 'Enjoy', gv_val2(10) type c value 'ABAP', gv_val3(20) type c. perform concate_string ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development I am trying to do a call to a form in a zprogram. This call is being done inside an enhancement. The reason for this is because I can't delcare forms in the enhancement. Below is the issue: The parameters I am trying to pass are typed as follo...
both the subroutine and the program dynamically (at runtime); in this case, you must enclose the variables form or prog in parentheses. If you omit specification of the program after IN PROGRAM , ABAP/4 searches for the routine in the current program. Example DATA: RNAME(30) VALUE ‘WRIT...
This variant is not allowed in an ABAP Objects context.See PERFORM form(prog) not allowed. Effect Calls the subroutine form defined in program prog ("external PERFORM"). Notes You pass parameters to the external subroutine as described in variant 1. However, you can also do it using...
Perform tables语法是ABAP中用于执行一组逻辑代码块的语句。它可以在程序中多次执行同一个逻辑块,从而提高代码的复用性和可读性。在perform tables语法中,tables是用于传递数据给逻辑块的参数表,这使得代码块的功能更加灵活和通用。 2. Perform tables语法的语法结构 Perform tables语句的基本语法结构如下: perform tables...
、支持单文件下传(只生产一个文件,默认是分批下传,会产生多个文件) 8、其它支持参看选择屏幕程序创建好后,请将屏幕代码下载下来,再通过ABAP编辑器程序中的上传功能,即可创建屏幕,而不需要手动画:屏幕...:路径+文件夹日期,文件夹日期可以不输入 * 021 主表选择条件 *022输出字段 *023输出字段选择 * 028 NNNNNN...
For program documentation purposes, it is best to specify the additionsUSINGandCHANGINGin the statementFORMin accordance with the definition of the parameter interface. Nosubstring accessis possible after an actual parameter of typestringorxstringspecified afterUSINGorCHANGING. ...
Actual parameter too short when passing parameter in PERFORM. What happened? Error in ABAP application program. The current ABAP program "SAPLAQBWEXR" had to be terminated because one of the statements could not be executed. This is probably due to an error in the ABAP program. Error analysi...
abap中 provide 的使用 (1) Provide 内表 PROVIDE ENDPROVIDE 可以同时处理多个内表。并通过 bounds 来定义邦定列。 然后根据列值的每一个不同的区间进行分段显示。 Valid 关键字返回在该区间内,在各个表中的是否有返回值 ‘X’ 有‘’没有。 在输出前 可以用 stant and end 来指定处理那一段(从1开始)...