In part 1 of this worksheet, students circle the present perfect verb tense in sentences. In part 2, they fill in the blank with the present perfect form of the verb in parentheses. This activity is ideal for 5th grade students but can be used for any grades where appropriate....
Using Perfect Verb Tenses - English Worksheets Land搜索 Name Using Verb Tenses in Sentences CCSS.L.5.1.B |© DIRECTIONS: Read each starter sentence. Then fill in the blank in each sentence below with the proper form of the underlined verb. 1. I walked to the...
Present perfect worksheets: PRESENT PERFECT WITH FOR AND SINCE Level:intermediate Age:10-14 Downloads:6805 GRAMMAR TIME - PRESENT PERFECT (with key editable) Level:elementary Age:12-14 Downloads:5048 Present Perfect Level:elementary Age:12-17 ...