02 第一种解法 暴力解法,定义一个long类型的变量,for循环判断其平方是否小于num,但是不要写循环体,这样省时,最后直接判断其平方是否等于num。 public boolean isPerfectSquare(intnum) {if(num<=1) {returnnum==1; } long i =1;for( ; i*i <num; i++);returni*i ==num; } 03 第二种解法 使用...
class Solution { public boolean isPerfectSquare(int num) { if (num == 1) return true; long n = (long)num; long start = 1, end = n/2; while (start <= end) { long mid = start+(end-start)/2; if (mid*mid == n) return true; else if (mid*mid < n) start = mid+1; e...
[LeetCode] 279. Perfect Squares 完全平方数 Given a positive integern, find the least number of perfect square numbers (for example,1, 4, 9, 16, ...) which sum ton. Example 1: 1212=4+4+4. Example 2: 1313=4+9. Credits: Special thanks to@jianchao.li.fighterfor adding this problem...
Your program should print only one solution for each integer, even though there may be more than one solution in some cases.Try to make your program as efficient as possible. In particular, it is much more efficient to start with the largest possible perfect square and work down (as ...
另外的解法:A square number is 1+3+5+7+..., JAVA code,不知道这个是否数学证明过。。。 class Solution(object): def isPerfectSquare(self, num): """ :type num: int :rtype: bool """ i = 1 while num > 0: num -= i i += 2 ...
if (goodMask << x >= 0) return false; final int numberOfTrailingZeros = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(x); // Each square ends with an even number of zeros. if ((numberOfTrailingZeros & 1) != 0) return false; x >>= numberOfTrailingZeros; // Now x is either 0 or odd. // In ...
leetcode391. Perfect Rectangle 题目要求 Given N axis-aligned rectangles where N > 0, determine if they all together form an exact cover of a rectangular region. Each rectangle is represented as a bottom-left point and a top-right point. For example, a unit square is represented as [1,1...
java code to find the sum of numbers Prentice Hall Mathematics: Algebra 1 square third order polynomial distance word problem solvers turning verbal expression to algebraic how to solve algebra problems step by step grade 8 math worksheets angles fractions aria pre-algebra with pizzazz!
今天我想聊聊 LeetCode 上的第279题-Perfect Squares,花了挺长时间的,试了很多方法,作为一个算法新手,个人感觉这题很好,对我的水平提升很有帮助。我在这里和大家分享一下我的想法。下面是题目: Given a positive integern, find the least number of perfect square numbers (for example, 1, 4, 9, 16, ....
Sally invited 17 guests to a dance party at her estate in the Hamptons. She assigned each guest a number from 2 to 18, keeping 1 for herself. At one point in the evening when everyone was dancing, Sally noticed the sum of each couple's numbers was a perfect square. Everyone was ...