The maximum score on the SAT is a 1600. Out of the two million students who take the test every year, only about 500 get the highest possible SAT score. This elusive perfect score catapults you to the top of high school academic achievement and can be a big boost to your college applic...
当前规格: Kaplan MCAT 45: Advanced Prep for Advanced Students (Perfect Score Series) 商品介绍完善信息 待完善 品牌 Simon & Schuster 2人关注 Simon & Schuster出版各种文学作品、社科类图书、教材(适合大学、中学和小学学生使用)、科技图书等,及音带、计算机用软盘、光盘,甚至网上教育产品。
Some people, despite Perham's research, believe that music is a must for studying everything from the SAT to the MCAT. They believe that music can really enhance the study experience since music brightens people's moods and increases positive feelings - both of which are important factors for ...