1、Grammar and usage,Present perfect tense,Present perfect tense:,Definition,现在完成时表示动作发生在过去,对现在产生一定影响、造成一定结果。*可以从以下三个方面来理解。,Present perfect tense:,Definition,1) 表示过去发生或已完成的某个动作对现在产生的影响或结果,强调的是这个影响或结果,常同already, just...
人教版八年级英语下册《The Present Perfect Tense》课件_7 ThePresentPerfectTense •Luckysearch •Pastparticiple 2.1•母词3••、4变以、ll、•+词见••动的Sii动“yeS双uvkS”的教sp动结S词u不字cee词y以u结tlpc写scuwh”c规材oa词尾的规母hta尾lc为e“h尾pnaa末uraaphd则1过l的y...
ThePresentperfecttense第二师三建中学元魏明、Grammar、Wheredoyouwanttogo? IwanttogoDoyouwanttogoto? Summervacationiscoming,HaveyoueverbeentotheGreatWall? YesIhave./No,ihavent./no,never .你去过吗? 1.A:Haveyoueverbeentoa/an . b :是,Ihave.iwentto.last year.a:metoo.2.a : haveyyoueverbe...
when i completed to watch this lesson ,i had already understood the past perfect tense Ks3idi Hi teacher Rebecca. I love your lessons! Thank you very much to help me to learn a little bit more of the English language.You teach very well! Sonia Maria Alves de Lima thanks...
present perfect 和 past simple 有什么区别?如果难以说明的话,请教我一下例句。 mrafael 2021年6月27日 英语(美国) @poturicavalentina Pozdrav @poturicavalentina !Kako si?We use the Past Tense for things that happened at a definite time in the past.For example:"I met my girlfriend when ...
We use simple past tense to tell what happened in the past.We use the present perfect tense to talk about an action that started in the past and continues to the present.1. 三年前他养了只猫做宠物。He ___ a cat as pet three years ago.2. 这只宠物猫他养了三年了。He ___ the pet...
[教案]牛津译林版《Grammar: Simple past tense and present perfect tense》公开课教案下载八年级下册初中英语 1. Let’s enjoy a song.【设计意图:用一首歌导入,与学生自由交谈,引导他们回忆一般过去时和现在完成时态在结构上的区别。】2. Let’s find outT: Read the following passage and find out the ...
Present perfect(have seen etc.) and Past perfect(had seen etc) 现在完成时: 是从过去到现在(依然需要注意三单,用的是have + 过去分词) e.g. Who is that woman?I'veseenher before,but I can't remember where. We aren't hungry.We'vejusthadlunch. ...
We use simple past tense to tell what happened in the past.We use the present perfect tense to talk about an action that started in the past and continues to the present.1. 三年前他养了只猫做宠物。He ___ a cat as pet three years ago.2. 这只宠物猫他养了三年了。He ___ the pet...
We use simple past tense to tell what happened in the past.We use the present perfect tense to talk about an action that started in the past and continues to the present.1. 三年前他养了只猫做宠物。He ___ a cat as pet three years ago.2. 这只宠物猫他养了三年了。He ___ the pet...