If you’re searching for the best perennials for Long Island landscapes, choose those that thrive in USDA plant hardiness zone 7, like butterfly milkweed, creeping phlox, carnation, and plantain lily. These hardy plants are perfectly adapted to the island’s climate, offering vibrant blooms and...
Comments: A particularly popular cut flower in Europe, this species is best produced north of zone 7. The bright yellow flowers contrast well with the brown overlapping bracts. Useful fresh or dried Other species: C. montana(mountain bluet) has escaped from cultivation and is common on...
Plant Delights Nursery specializes in herbaceous perennials but we sell a few woody perennials too. Our primary focus is on perennial flowers that are winter hardy in the southern US (Zone 6 and warmer) but we grow many perennial flowering plants that are cold tolerant in Zone 3, Zone 4, ...
Also known as Ligularia tussilaginea and Ligularia kaempferiZone: 7 to 10Exposure: shadeHeight: 2′Width: 2′Bloom time: fall, early winterBloom color: yellow Farfugium is a stunning addition to the woodland garden or pond edge. It forms a clump of amazing 12″ wide leathery, shiny, ...
Zone 7/8. Salvia argentea Salvia argentea (P-0678) Each $10.75 PREORDER FOR SPRING 2025 This bold Mediterranean native serves up a remarkable portion of eye catching appeal on its almost platter-sized, soft and silky white, felted foliage. Emerging in a dramatic basal clump, new leaves ...
(variegated foliage) and Red Dragon Stonecrop brings the top performers not only do all that, but they do so in style bring large swathes of color all year long. Plant along walkways, at the front of borders, in rock gardens, at the base of other sun loving perennials or in containers...
Bulbs multiply quickly. Many varieties at first look similar but in time as the clumps grow one can see the subtle differences. Zone 7. Rhodohypoxis bauri `Great Scott'... $6.00ea Reddish pink flowers. Rhodohypoxis `Lily Jean'... $6.00ea Double...
If you live in a northern zone and are frustrated with perennials that are behaving like annuals, here is a list of plants we have found to consistently overwinter in Zone 4.
Actea “Hillside Black Beauty” is an upright clump of striking, dark purplish-black foliage contrasted by long, white bottlebrush blooms late in the season. Part shade to shade, h 4-7′, zone 4 Actaea”Pink Spike” shell pink flowers, h-3-5′. part shade to shade, zone 4 Actaea ‘...
Zone: 4 to 8 annualExposure: part shade, sunHeight: 5″ to 6″Width: 5″ to 7″Bloom time: winter, early springBloom color: purple, yellow, white, red, pink. Many have yellow centers. There are many annual primroses that have early spring purple flowers. Primulas work well in planter...