If you’re searching for the best perennials for Long Island landscapes, choose those that thrive in USDA plant hardiness zone 7, like butterfly milkweed, creeping phlox, carnation, and plantain lily. These hardy plants are perfectly adapted to the island’s climate, offering vibrant blooms and...
Plants form a dense, multiple stemmed bush growing from a short, stout rhizome with large, 7-10 lobed rounded leaves. Lepterrhena pyrolifolia Leather leaf Saxifraga... soldout Native. Ht. Zone 2. A basal ring of shiny leathery evergreen leaves give rise to a spike with small white sax...
Perennials for cool season containers may seem like the proverbial horticultural oxymoron, but that is exactly what I have been planting the last few days in my zone 8a landscape. My favorite pansy pals are Goldilocks lysimachia, Lemon Coral sedum, Ogon Japanese sweet flag and Burgundy Glow ...
If you live in a northern zone and are frustrated with perennials that are behaving like annuals, here is a list of plants we have found to consistently overwinter in Zone 4.
Hi Kerri…The zone for each plant is listed in the section right under the plant name and first picture. Reply Amy says: This is a great article, and very helpful as a guide for me to plant under my cedar trees. I have a very basic, beginner question: when you say that Virginia ...
10cm pot$15.00ea Ht.60-80cm. Z6. A hardy begonia with fragrant pink flowers and olive green leaves with red veins and red beneath. Plant in shade to part sun, mulch in Zone 5 for winter protection.Begonia grandis alba... $15.00ea Ht.60-80cm Z6. A white flowered form of this ha...
They are located in Michigan and carry lots of plants that are hardy all the way down to zone 2! Like Home Depot, their website has a filter for zone which allows you to narrow the plant selections to only those that will grow in your area. ...
has worked hard toward selections that perform well in our West Michigan climate, overwintering for the last three years (including a zone 6 winter). Full Sun | Zones: 6-9 Variety Pictured: Lagerstroemia BARISTA® 'Cherry Mocha' Learn More 28. Lavandula (Lavender) Lavender has been grown...
They don’t get a great flower, but they have fantastic green/white/blueish foliage from early spring through late fall, which makes them a great “filler plant” for your perennial beds. Many varieties will tolerate a fair amount of sun, but the leaves stay darker green in the shade. ...
(Hardiness Zone 7-10) Cyclamen mirabile 'Tilebarn Anne' Cyclamen mirabile is a group of little tubers that we love, not only for the charming pink flowers produced in fall, but also for the highly ornamental silver dollar-sized foliage which is often intricately patterned in silver and green...