Zone: 6 to 8Exposure: part shadeHeight: 18″ – 24″Width: 9″ – 18″Bloom time: April to JuneBloom color: lime-green Spurge grows best in sharp, well drained, dry soil with afternoon shade. The clump opens up and looses its tidy appearance in deep shade and wilts in the heat of...
Colors and forms are mixed. Do you want to try a plant no one else has? Plant in deep shade for best results. We are planting lots of these in our own gardens.Hepatica nobilis japonica Sado Red ... NA Ht 15cm. Z4. This gorgeous Japanese hepatica is a great new colour strain...
These beautiful compact perennials can be used as ground covers for shade to add interest to your garden while helping to keep the weeds down.
(Golden Japanese Spikenard) This hardy, tropical-looking beauty brightens up the shade garden with its very large, compound, bright gold leaves. Color is greener in deep shade. Tiny white flowers give way to purple-black berries in fall. ...
10cm pot$15.00ea Ht.60-80cm. Z6. A hardy begonia with fragrant pink flowers and olive green leaves with red veins and red beneath. Plant in shade to part sun, mulch in Zone 5 for winter protection.Begonia grandis alba... $15.00ea Ht.60-80cm Z6. A white flowered form of this ha...
Reminiscent of a Hosta, Sacred Lily makes a handsome container subject or low maintenance ground cover, where it easily tackles deer, drought and deep shade. Blooms June–July. Size: 12" – 15" high x 2' 0" wide. Hardy to zone 6. Romneya Romneya coulteri Matilija Poppy Romneya coulte...
A lucent beacon for bright shade, this handsome Tricyrtis quickly produces a robust colony that looks splendid amid companions such as Geranium‘Blogold’ and Persicaria‘Golden Arrow’. Blooms August–September Size: 2' 0" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide. Hardy to zone 5. Tricyrtis formosana‘...
deep shade rather than full sun. For extra-shady yards, they can even be used as a lawn replacement, although they are not as tolerant of foot traffic as turfgrass. There are literally thousands of species, all fairly similar in appearance, so don’t be afraid to ask for help when you...
The best perennials for your yard For lists of plants that thrive in your specific climate and soil type, check out your local university’scooperative extension. Many extensions offer virtual handbooks that show which plants are particularly shade-tolerant, disease-resistant, and pollinator-friendly....
Parkland systems in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of West Africa are commonly perceived as a resilient agroforestry practice well adapted to the semi-arid clima