If you like to grow the poppy flowers in your Zone 9 garden but haven’t had much luck as they thrive in colder climates, you can try the Shirley poppy. This cultivar is hardy to the warm temperatures of Zone 9. Its showy flowers on top of long stalks and the small light green lea...
Remove spent flowers (deadhead) to prevent plants from using their energy on seed production and to stimulate reblooming. Coreopsis,phlox,veronica, anddelphiniumare rebloomers. Put plant supports in place early in the season, before plants get too big, so as not to disturb their roots. Put su...
Daylilies(Hemerocallis spp.)are the workhorse of the garden and very low-maintenance, thriving in full sun but also can tolerate partial shade. It’s not an original native, but it’s been here a long, long time. Lots of choices here, from big flowers to small, from dwarfs to giants,...
Deep red flowers in late winter and early spring, shade perennial. All Plants A-Z, Best Perennial Plants for St. Louis Missouri Area, Deer Resistant Plants, Drought Tolerant Plants, Looking Gorgeous Today, Perennials, Rabbit Resistant Plants, Shade Plants for St. Louis Missouri Area $29.99 Sele...
Hostas are the perfect perennial flower if you’re looking for a more tropical look in your garden! These are low maintenance and prefer partial shade (zone 3-9). Once a hosta blooms in the summer and fall seasons, you’ll see purple or white flowers amongst the leafy foliage. If proper...
(Lenten Rose) 3”, single light yellow flowers with maroon-red flares concentrated around the nectaries. Full Sun to Part Shade | Zones: 4-9 | Blooms Early to Mid Spring Learn More 8. RAINBOW RHYTHM® ‘Going Bananas'Hemerocallis
Semi-shade. Aconitum x cammarum `Bicolor' Monkshood... 1gal NA Ht.90cm. Z2. Deeply lobed dark green leaves and large showy white flowers rimmed in blue. Full sun to part shade. All parts of this plant are extremely poisonous.Aconitum...
Zone:9-11 or Indoors Height:18-24 inches tall when in bloom Spread:12 in. Sunlight:Partial Sun; Bright Direct Indoors Water:Moderate to Low Flowering time:Mid-Spring Outdoors; 30–50 Days Indoors Flower Color:Red 1 plant flower bulb per pack. Product pictures of flowers, mature...
The grassy foliage of this plant is attractive all season long, but the tiny ball-shaped flowers that pop up in late spring and early summer are the reason to plant this adorable perennial. Thrift takes full sun in cooler climates but will tolerate part shade in warmer regions. ...
Grow the most popular perennial flowers and plants to design your dream garden. See care tips, including zone requirements, blooming times and sunlight needs.