Summer art and craft fairs offer a rich bounty of unique items for the garden. Where could you add a bench or a decorative container of blossoms? Is there a perfect spot for a sundial or pretty birdbath, a simple water feature, or an antique gate on which vines could climb? Have a ...
A flowering vine makes a heart–melting display with tumbling tresses of stunning blooms. Perennial Vines for the Home Garden Here are just some the many perennial vines to consider for your home garden. All bloom beautiful flowers or fruit. Always check the hardiness zone of any perennial vine...
For containers, use a well-drained, peat/humusy potting mix. Place containers outdoors in full sun after last spring frost date. Best flowering in full sun, but tolerates light shade. These flowering vines appreciate high humidity, but needs good air circulation to discourage fungal diseases. ...
Sorrel and thyme are both lush ground covers that can be easily established under taller flowering plants. Scarlet runner bean vines can be trained on a trellis for a stunning summer display of red-orange flowers. Bronze fennel’s feathery leaves provide a striking contrast to green plants, and...