Others currently in flower are best known as root crops, including (in the picture) Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) andDahlia.Yacon (Polymnia sonchifolia) is also autumn flowering but doesn’t manage to flower here (is moved indoors to flower and bulk up). The final flower in the...
Goldenrod blooms in late summer and carries flower heads well into fall. It’s native to North America and is a fantastic food source for many of our pollinators, especially as typical summer flowers begin to fade out and pollen becomes more scarce. You’d be hard-pressed to find a better...
he will come to an intuitive knowledge of the Divine Ground and so apprehend Truth as it really is, and not as to our limited human perceptions it appears to be. Not only that, he will enter into a state of being which has been given different names, eternal life, salvation, enlightenme...
Even the flowers are so ugly, that I was taught from an early age to run and cut the flowers as soon as I saw the bloom stalks forming. I figured it must be sort of like looking at the Medusa head and if I saw a Hosta flower, I would turn into something horrible...like a ...