Although these physicians believed training is essential to about the risks involved with and , many of these physicians evaluated their own medical training in these areas as unsatisfactory. Training programs may better equip primary care physicians when addressing the treatment of and to opioids....
PERENCANAAN STRATEGIS SISTEM INFORMASI PERUSAHAAN ENERGI: STUDI KASUS PT. XYZThis paper aims to describe a strategic plan of information system implemented at PT. XYZ following the Ward and Peppard's framework for Information Systems Strategic Planning. To support the framewo...
K. Surendro, "Pemanfaatan Enterprise Architecture Planning Untuk Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi," Jurnal Informatika Sekolah Teknik Elektro dan Informatika, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), vol. 8, pp. 1-9, 2007.Surendro, K, 2009. Pemanfaatan Enterprise Architecture Planning Untuk ...
The aims of the research is to analyze business environment and IS/IT at the company, where the method used are interviews and observation in the company. With Balanced Score Card (BSC) and Critical Success Factor (CSF) tool, the real picture of the business environment could be obtained. ...
The aims of the research is to analyze business environment and IS/IT at the company, where the method used are interviews and observation in the company. With Balanced Score Card (BSC) and Critical Success Factor (CSF) tool, the real picture of the business environment could be obtained. ...