Praise for Percy Jackson's Greek Gods "Percy's gift, which is no great secret, is to breathe new life into the gods. Closest attention is paid to the Olympians, but Riordan has a sure touch when it comes to fitting much into a small space-as does Rocco's artwork, which smokes and ...
【中商原版】波西·杰克逊的希腊诸神 英文原版 Percy Jackson’s Greek gods 奇幻小说 Rick Riordan 分享配送 至 选择地区查看预计配送信息 快递:5元起 服务线下门店 · 收货后结算 选择 发货地;货源地 商品评价 暂无评价 该商品所属店铺评价 查看全部 正品(52) 质量很好(47) 物流很快(17) 坚固耐用(9) ...
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods is a collection of stories from Greek mythology told from the demigod Percy Jackson's point of view. The book talks about the origins of the Olympian gods (and of their ancestors, the Titans and the Protogenoi) and other stories from their lives. The book was ...
所属专辑:The Chalice of the Gods 音频列表 1 Percy Jackson Book 06 - The Chalice of the GodsPart010 3781 2023-09 2 Percy Jackson Book 06 - The Chalice of the GodsPart009 3764 2023-09 3 Percy Jackson Book 06 - The Chalice of the GodsPart008 ...
【中商原版】波西·杰克逊的希腊诸神 英文原版 Percy Jackson’s Greek gods 奇幻小说 Rick Riordan 作者:RickRiordan出版社:Hyperion Books出版时间:2016年02月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥87.00 配送至 广东佛山市 至北京市东城区 服务 由“中华商务进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
作者:[美] Rick Riordan 出版社:Disney-Hyperion 出版年:2014-8-19 页数:336 定价:USD 24.99 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781423183648 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 喜欢读"Percy Jackson's Greek Gods"的人也喜欢· ··· Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes9.0 我要...
Percy Jackson And TheGreekGods by:quAck 573 Percy Jackson and theOlympians by:quAck 954 Jack by:伊面伊面 3.9万 波西杰克逊Percy Jackson by:小时光绘本之旅 2484 Percy 5.The_Last_Olympian by:笑语de晏晏 下载手机APP 7天免费畅听10万本会员专辑 ...
当当华研外语旗舰店在线销售正版《英文原版 Percy Jackson's Greek Myths 1 Percy Jackson's Greek Gods 波西杰克逊的希腊神话1 希腊诸神 奇幻小说 Rick Riordan》。最新《英文原版 Percy Jackson's Greek Myths 1 Percy Jackson's Greek Gods 波西杰克逊的希腊神话1 希腊
Percy Jackson and the Chalice Of The Gods的创作者· ··· 雷克·莱尔顿作者 作者简介· ··· Richard Russell "Rick" Riordan, Jr. (born June 5, 1964) is the author of the fantasy novel Percy Jackson. In addition to being the author of Percy Jackson, He is also The author of ...
【4周达】Percy Jackson's Greek Gods Rick Riordan著 Disney Hyperion 已选 1个 送至 北京朝阳区三环到四环之间 评价 *** 商品介绍 规格参数 售后保障 包装清单 商品参数 服务承诺 京东商城向您保证所售商品均为正品行货,京东自营商品开具机打发票或电子发票。凭质保证书及京东商城发票,可享受全国联保服务(奢侈...