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Percy Jackson's Greek Gods is a collection of stories from Greek mythology told from the demigod Percy Jackson's point of view. The book talks about the origins of the Olympian gods (and of their ancestors, the Titans and the Protogenoi) and other stories from their lives. The book was ...
2.5万2019-12 6 015 - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods 2.7万2019-12 7 016 - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods 2.5万2019-12 8 017 - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods 2.6万2019-12 9 018 - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods 2.4万2019-12 10 019 - Percy Jackson's Greek Gods 2.4万2019-12 查看更多 ...
Percy Jackson's Greek Gods 本书将希腊古神话与99世纪现代青少年的社会生活巧妙地融合在一起,故事抓人,想象奇特,为读者打造了一个全新的奇幻世界。主人公波西有着与众不同的离奇身世,他与各怀绝技的朋友们在凡人和众神两个世界里穿梭,在自我认同的过程中去拯救人间与神界。 更多全部 ...
rancid-smelling minotaurs, foul-mouthed gods and deciding the fate of the entire world on his sixteenth birthday. Now, for the first time, you can discover everything there is to know about Percy Jackson in this ultimate guide to monsters, Greek gods, weapons, Camp Half-Blood and much ...
作者:[美] Rick Riordan 出版社:Disney-Hyperion 出版年:2014-8-19 页数:336 定价:USD 24.99 装帧:Hardcover ISBN:9781423183648 豆瓣评分 评价人数不足 喜欢读"Percy Jackson's Greek Gods"的人也喜欢· ··· Percy Jackson's Greek Heroes9.0 我要...
So begins Percy Jackson's Greek Gods, in which the son of Poseidon adds his own magic--and sarcastic asides--to the classics. He explains how the world was created, then gives readers his personal take on a who's who of ancients, from Apollo to Zeus. Percy does not hold back. "If...
【中商原版】波西·杰克逊的希腊诸神 英文原版 Percy Jackson’s Greek gods 奇幻小说 Rick Riordan 作者:RickRiordan出版社:Hyperion Books出版时间:2016年02月 手机专享价 ¥ 当当价降价通知 ¥87.00 配送至 广东佛山市 至北京市东城区 服务 由“中华商务进口图书旗舰店”发货,并提供售后服务。
So beginsPercy Jackson’s Greek Gods, in which the son of Poseidon adds his own magic—and sarcastic asides—to the classics. He explains how the world was created, then gives readers his personal take on a who’s who of ancients, from Apollo to Zeus. Percy does not hold back.“If ...
Disney+'s upcoming series adaptation of Percy Jackson and the Olympians adds two new guest stars to the cast as Greek gods Hades and Hephaestus.