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所属专辑:The Chalice of the Gods 音频列表 1 Percy Jackson Book 06 - The Chalice of the GodsPart010 3781 2023-09 2 Percy Jackson Book 06 - The Chalice of the GodsPart009 3764 2023-09 3 Percy Jackson Book 06 - The Chalice of the GodsPart008 ...
Percy Jackson and the Chalice Of The Gods的创作者· ··· 雷克·莱尔顿作者 作者简介· ··· Richard Russell "Rick" Riordan, Jr. (born June 5, 1964) is the author of the fantasy novel Percy Jackson. In addition to being the author of Percy Jackson, He is also The author of ...
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Rick Riordan (he/him), dubbed “storyteller of the gods” byPublishers Weekly, is the author of five #1 New York Times best-selling middle grade series with millions of copies sold throughout the world, including Percy Jackson and the Olympians, soon to be a series on Disney+....