percy_bysshe_shelley雪莱作品 珀西·比希·雪莱 Works 作品 •poetry诗歌•drama剧本•translation译著 Poetries •••••爱尔兰人之歌(TheIrishman`sSong,1809)战争(War,1810)魔鬼出行(TheDevil`sWalk,1812)麦布女王(QueenMab,1813)一个共和主义者有感于波拿巴的倾覆(FeelingsOfARepublicanOn...
十九世纪英国诗人论诗135 9.1 1984作者 爱的哲学40 9.1 1987作者 西风颂141 8.9 2010作者 钦契55 8.9 1987作者 雪莱全集(全7卷)69 8.8 2000作者 爱的哲学73 8.7 2008作者 解放了的普罗密修斯138 8.6 2021作者 科学怪人52 8.6 2004作者 雪莱诗选637
雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)诗选文档.docx,雪莱(Percy Bysshe Shelley)诗选 雪莱(1792-1822),主要作品有《为诗辩护》、《麦布女王》、《伊斯兰的起义》、《解放了的普罗米休斯》和《钦契》等。 “那时刻永远逝去了,孩子!” 1 那时刻永远逝去了,孩子! 它已沉没,僵涸
(Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems) 'O happy Earth, reality of Heaven! To which those restless souls that ceaselessly Throng through the human universe, aspire! Thou consummation of all ... Queen Mab: Part VIII. (Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems) THE FAIRY 'The present and the past thou hast be...
Wife(1814)Shelley’sLaterLife Poorhealth Four-yeartroublesinItaly Financialproblems RestlessmovingDrownedin1822,buriedatRome MajorWorks Classic VerseWorks:Ozymandias(1817)《奥西曼提斯》OdetotheWestWind(1819)《西风颂》(Bestofhiswell-knownlyricpoems)To aSkylark (1820)《致云雀》Long ...
Free collection of all Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems and Biography. See the best poems and poetry by Percy Bysshe Shelley.
Percy Bysshe Shelley 珀西·比希·雪莱 (1792-1822)1792 PercyByssheShelleywasbornonAugust4,1792.•1810In1810ShelleyenteredtheOxfordUniversity.•1811In1811Shelleywasexpelledfromthecollege.《无神论的必然》(1811)•1811 Fourmonthsafterbeingexpelled,the19-year-oldshelleyelopedwiththe16-year-oldHarriet...
The Sensitive Plant (Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems) PART 1.A Sensitive Plant in a garden grew,And the young winds fed it with silver dew,And it opened its fan-like ... The Mask Of Anarchy (Percy Bysshe Shelley Poems) WRITTEN ON THE OCCASION OF THE MASSACRE AT MANCHESTERI.As I lay as...
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诗人雪莱介绍英文版Percy Bysshe Shelley PercyByssheShelley (1792--1822)IfWintercomes,canSpringbefarbehind?壹Briefintroduction贰Life叁Marriage肆Majorworks伍Estimation Briefintroduction PercyByssheShelley(1792-1822)Category:EnglishLiteratureBorn:August4,1792FieldPlacenearHorsham,Sussex,EnglandDied:July8,1822 Viareggi...