Thalia joins the Hunters of Artemis, eliminating any last chances of a relationship. She moved to Alaska later that day and Sammy never saw her again. Before the quest, Annabeth and Percy hugged. Tyson blushes too and whispers (loudly
简介:I have two is bright and another is dark.Right now I'm feeling pretty dark. Master of sarcasm and snide comments.your welcome to argue with me. I don't particularly CARE what YOU think about me,especially YOU,you nosy snooper. 互联网是一片净土,容不下你这污秽之物。你个...
The Quater-Blood Chronicles: Prologue- How Percy Got Annabeth Pregnant Percy and Annabeth: Wedding In The Stars Add links !!chapter1!! !!chapter 2!! !!chapter 3!! View full list Add categories 13 Worlds/Characters 50 Ways to Annoy Dionysus 50 Ways to Annoy Jason Grace View full ...
Hugo_Von 回复@PerseusJackson: Magnus是Annabeth的堂弟 PerseusJackson 回复@法子_x5: I know but this isnt that series查看全部5条回复 凯与千寻 (扭曲)(爬行)他们是真的 回复 2024-014 PerseusJackson 《hepheast was pregnant》《Apollo had twins》 回复 2023-114 AngelaMagic Oh no!Areas is pregnant!hel...
Magnus是Annabeth的堂弟 2024-07回复1 PerseusJackson 回复 @法子_x5: I know but this isnt that series 2024-05回复赞 凯与千寻 (扭曲)(爬行)他们是真的 2024-01回复4 PerseusJackson 《hepheast was pregnant》《Apollo had twins》 2023-11回复4 AngelaMagic Oh no!Areas is pregnant!help! 2024-07回复...
HEPHESTUS IS PREGNANT!!?! 2024-08回复1 PerseusJackson 怎么又跟THOUR有关啦 2023-11回复2 Hugo_Von 回复 @PerseusJackson: Magnus是Annabeth的堂弟 2024-07回复赞 PerseusJackson 回复 @法子_x5: I know but this isnt that series 2024-05回复赞 法子_x5 回复 @PerseusJackson: 去听magnus chase, 也很好...