Fredy Studer (percussion) Pierre Favre (percussion) In the world of percussion two Swiss percussion names stand out. Fredy Studer and Pierre Favre have long careers as drummer and percussionists as well as both working with the Paiste company to produce an incredibly creative range of cymbals, go...
The terms "thumb piano" and "finger piano" are names in the West for the instrument and yet, at the same time, they are the most inappropriate from an African perspective (also incorrect are African piano, African nail violin, hand piano, and Kaffir piano). Ethnomusicologists use another ...
He was really interested in my instruments and I remember at one point he excused himself from the composition faculty and came to hang at my aparment. We pulled out all my instruments and for 3 hours he kept drawing pictures of them and writing the names down. Then we went out for ...
41.Inventory your equipment: Log all of your instruments, take pictures of your drums (all sides), and make up a separate page for serial numbers of your drums. 42.Say it, then play it.The best way to learn a new rhythm or drum fill on the drums during drum practice is to say it...
The Musical Mallet Stick logo is a captivating emblem that perfectly captures the essence of music and percussion. With its sleek and minimalist design, this lettermark logo showcases a mallet stick, symbolizing the rhythmic beats and melodies created by percussion instruments. The logo's clean li...