Usage¶ Version Checkwas implemented inPercona Toolkit2.1.4, and was enabled by default in version 2.2.1. Currently, it is supported as a--[no]version-checkoption by a number of tools in Percona Toolkit,Percona XtraBackup, andPercona Monitoring and Management(PMM). ...
The xtrabackup offers many features not mentioned in the preceding explanation. The functionality of each tool is explained in more detail further in this manual. In brief, though, the tools enable you to do operations such as streaming and incremental backups with various combinations of copying...
setup –disable all enabled Percona repositories and enables a set of repositories needed to setup product (for example pxc-80 and tools) In some cases, it is not enough to enable only one repository to install the requested product. You don’t need to find what repositories should be ...
LOCK TABLES FOR BACKUPonly waits for conflicting statements to complete (i.e. DDL and updates to non-transactional tables). It never waits for SELECTs, or UPDATEs to InnoDB or
32 Work with SELinux¶ Percona XtraBackup is installed as an unconfined process running in an undefined domain. SELinux allows unconfined processes almost all access and the processes only use Discretionary Access Control (DAC) rules. You find the current state of the Percona XtraBackup file wit...