v3.0.5 released 2017-11-20¶ Percona Toolkit 3.0.5 includes the following changes: New Features PMM-1590: Improve MongoDB Profiler for PMM and PT PT-216: The mongodb-query-digest supports MongoDB versions lower than 3.2; incorrect output was fixed. PT-182: The pt-summary, pt-mysql-...
Percona Server for MongoDB 7.0.7-4 (2024-04-04) Percona Server for MongoDB 7.0.5-3 (2024-01-23) Percona Server for MongoDB 7.0.4-2 (2023-12-11) Percona Server for MongoDB 7.0.2-1 (2023-10-05) November 27, 2024December 7, 2022...
This is the documentation for the latest release,PBM 2.9.0(Release Notes). Percona Backup for MongoDB (PBM) is an open source and distributed solution for consistent backups and restores ofMongoDB sharded clusters and replica setsto a specific point in time. ...
首先是Percona-8.0.31,未看到相关bugfix说明,只看到一个从库crash的bugfix。 (https://docs.percona.com/percona-server/8.0/release-notes/8.0.31-23.html#bug-fixes) 但release notes list中看到多了一个8.0.30-update:其中有一个bugfix涉及到"show engine innodb status" (https://...
Upgrade Percona Backup for MongoDB on all nodes where it is installed. Prerequisites¶ Installpercona-releasetoolorupdate itto the latest version. Enable the repository $sudopercona-releaseenablepbmrelease Note:Forapt-based systems, runsudo apt updateto update the local cache. ...
$exportPATH=~/percona-server-mongodb-pro-6.0.20-17-x86_64.jammy/bin/:~/percona-mongodb-mongosh-2.3.2/bin/:$PATH Create the default data directory: $mkdir-p/data/db Make sure that you have read and write permissions for the data directory and runmongod. ...
You can add sidecar containers to Percona Distribution for MongoDB Replica Set, Config Servers, and mongos Pods. Just usesidecarssubsection in thereplsets,sharding.configsvrReplSet, andsharding.mongosof thedeploy/cr.yamlconfiguration file. In this subsection, you should specify the name and image...
+ +This new functionality is enabled through a dedicated PBM collector within the MongoDB exporter, allowing you to easily monitor your PBM setup with the following metrics: + +- `mongodb_pbm_cluster_backup_configured` +- `mongodb_pbm_agent_status` +- `mongodb_pbm_cluster_pitr_backup_...
$cdpercona-backup-mongodb $makebuild Aftermakecompletes, you can findpbmandpbm-agentbinaries in the./bindirectory. Post-install steps¶ On Debian and UbuntuOn Red Hat Enterprise Linux and derivatives Next steps¶ Initial setup Last update:February 5, 2025 ...
Thenamespaceis the name of your namespace. Themy-opparameter in the above example is the name ofa new release objectwhich is created for the Operator when you install its Helm chart (use any name you like). Install Percona Server for MongoDB: ...