Farah (1989) reported that point threshold stimuli are detected better if they appear at spatial locations in the visual field that are covered by an image. By replicating her experiment with 3 instead of the original 2 images, we found that the effect depends on the shape of the mentally ...
Stimuli were generated using a publicly available script96, saved as images, and cropped to the same size. Experimental procedure The experiment began with a behavioral training session, during which participants learned four paired associates (Fig. 1). Specifically, participants learned that four ...
with appropriate behavioral measures. Here, we find that adversarial perturbations that fool ANNs similarly bias human choice. We further show that the effect is more likely driven by higher-order statistics of natural images to which both humans and ANNs are sensitive, rather than by the detailed...
Stacking faults in dark field images, on the other hand, exbihited good contrast and were thus relatively easy to observe over the entire range of orientations studied. An explanation for the difference between bright and dark field is given in terms of the important Bloch waves excited at ...
Both men and women perceived that young women play video games far less frequently than young men and also considered themselves less influenced by the unrealistic images than others. In addition, women, in comparison to men, perceived the video game images to have stronger influences on others....
This study took a close look at the mechanism behind gender disparity in video game usage by examining two perceptual variables: perceptions about others' video game usage and perceived influence of unrealistic video game character images on others. Both men and women perceived that young women play...
A possible explanation could be that the roles of parents and teachers concerning online activities decrease with age during adolescence, while the one of peers increases. This circumstance has already been shown by previous studies in the context of teenagers’ engagement in online risks (Shin & ...
vowel’ tokens (i.e., CCa sequences) were paired with CVCá sequences (/bla/A-/balá/A, /bla/A-/bulá/A, /bla/A-/bølá/A, and their mirror images) as well as four pairs containing two CVCá sequences (/bala/A-/bølá/A, /bula/A-/bølá/A, and their mirror images)...
it has been suggested that the media does not drive the development of body dissatisfaction but reminds individuals of their already-existent body dissatisfaction23. It has also been proposed that the harmful effects of idealized images are limited to women with a higher level of neuroticism24. In...
Beyond capturing human percepts in many psychophysics experiments qualitatively, the model explains human motion structure classification quantitatively with higher fidelity than a previous ideal observer-based model17. Furthermore, the model provides a normative explanation for the putative origin of human ...