The aim of the article is to assess the ASPETE service quality in a period of financial crisis and unemployment. The article examines the relationship or the gap between perceived and expected quality of service in terms of all its dimensions such as tangibility, reliability, as...
In the artificial intelligence (AI) environment, there is limited research on employees’ perception of career achievement. Previous literature has presented two different viewpoints: AI either reduces or increases employees’ perception of career achiev
Potential service failure factors of smart speakers are accurately evaluated by this model, and these service failure factors are ranked within the tolerance area. The research identifies voice misinterpretation and signal connectivity issues as the primary risk factors impacting the quality of human-...
Data about underlying costs and their relationship to prices are opaque and hard to get. Clinical innovation and quality of care are understood in the abstract: self-funded campaigns touting Top 100 recognition, Net Promoter Scores are easier.The business of healthcare financing and delivery is no...
a huge role and CSR can be a key tool, in fact stressing and emphasizing keenly and extensively on the consumer as a key entity, and dwelling keenly on its potential strengths if adopted by organizations as a strategic tool and device or key component and formation of the business model. ...
The purpose of this research is to examine the impact of a quality perception gap on brand performance and its moderating role in the relationship between marketing-mix signals and performance. Analyses based on a longitudinal dataset from the US automotive industry reveal that the relationship ...
Gap between consumer expectation and management perception: This gap arises when the management or service provider does not correctly perceive what the customer wants or needs. For instance – hotel administrators may think guests want better food or in-house restaurant facilities, but guests may be...
This study sought to examine users’ perception of reasonableness audit expectation gap in Nigeria. The survey research design was employed and Information was sought from respondents using a structured likert scale questionnaire. The hypothesis raised was analyzed using the ANOVA test statistics....
Goodness-of-Fit is an important index indicates the overall predictive power of the model fitness. Tenenhaus proposed a GoF index for PLS path models56, with values ranging from 0 to 1, where a higher GoF value signifies a better fitting path model. In this study, the overall GoF is 0.28...
This study aims to determine the gap between customer expectation and corporate perception on the quality of service of goods at PT Pos Indonesia Jember City Branch. Interview and questionnaire distribution is data collection methods in this study. The population in this research is classified into ...