Percentage of free PSA (AUC, 0.72; 95% CI, 0.68-0.75) was significantly more predictive of cancer than total PSA level (AUC, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.49-0.57) for this population with total PSA values of 4.0 to 10.0 ng/mL (P<.001) (Figure 2). Cutoffs for percentage of free PSA of 25...
Our analysis was limited in that estimates were based on clinical trial data and may not be generalizable because of access to medications, off-label use, or response rates in the general population. Back to top Article Information Accepted for Publication: January 14, 2020. Published: March 9...
Using only a physician diagnosis of asthma excludes a significant proportion of the population with wheezing symptoms. This was shown in a large study of children aged 12 to 14 years, where 17% of children with current asthmalike symptoms did not have a diagnosis of asthma.12 The ISAAC ...
Analysis We assessed study quality with the TESTEX tool and conducted a random-effects meta-analysis, with a subgroup analysis based on measurement type (scan or non-scan) and sex (male or female), and a meta-regression for volume of resistance training and training components. Results From 11...
For every 100 polls that report a 95% confidence interval, the polling organization expects that 95 of the confidence intervals will contain the true population percentage. In this activity you will take a "poll" of random digits in order to estimate the percentage that are even. 展开 ...
such that fewer than 2% of cells are positive in the blocking peptide sample. The integrity of the population is then verified by relocating positive events into an image gallery and visually confirming the morphology of positively stained cells. Apoptotic debris is excluded from sample analysis beca...
PhD Admission through NET Scores The scores obtained by the candidates in the National Eligibility Test (NET) can now be used for admission in a PhD course. The UGC NET result will be declared in percentile along with the marks obtained by a candidate which will be used for admission of th...
· China will likely produce six times the number of engineers next year than America will graduate, according to Mike Gibbons of the American Society for Engineering Education. Japan, with half America’s population, has minted (铸造)twice as many in recent years....
5 Types of Qualitative Methods Measuring Usability with the System Usability Scale (SUS) 15 Common Rating Scales Explained 5 Ways to Interpret a SUS Score Best Practices for Using Statistics on Small Sample Sizes How to Use the Finite Population Correction Most Recent To Weight or Not...
He had a few successful debates since then, and now 12% of the population wants to vote for him. What's the change? You want to say 2%, are we right? It's wrong! Let's examine this. Imagine the whole population is 1000 people. 10% of them is 100. 12% is 120. What's the ...