Whenpercentageis used in front of a singular form or an uncountable noun, you use a singular form of a verb after it. Only a small percentage of the moneyisgiven to charity. A high percentage of their incomewasspent on rent. Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992,...
Percentage depletion is a statutory deduction allowed to the owner of an economic interest in minerals and computed as a specific percentage of the gross income derived from the property. A review of three court cases concludes that the Seventh Circuit Court's interpretation that production includes...
A large percentage of the students do not speak English at home. When percentage is used in front of a singular form or an uncountable noun, you use a singular form of a verb after it. Only a small percentage of the money is given to charity. A high percentage of their income was sp...
Whenpercentageis used in front of a singular form or an uncountable noun, you use a singular form of a verb after it. Only a small percentage of the moneyisgiven to charity. A high percentage of their incomewasspent on rent. Collins COBUILD English Usage © HarperCollins Publishers 1992,...