There are 229 millionaires in Congress. The exact number is hard to determine since Congress members reveal their finances in ranges. But according to the Center for Responsive Politics, 43% of congress members had a net worth of over $1 million in 2018. That’s 43%, over seven times the...
The reason why the 2008-2009 financial crisis was so severe was because the vast majority of Americans had the majority of their net worth locked up in their primary residence, and the chart above excludes the primary residence as part of one's net worth. When the housing market crashed,...
[…] we spend one third of our adult lives at work? By another estimate, Americans spend a total of 92,000 hours at work, if you work from age 18 to 67. By that count, that’s over 1,800 hours per year, and if […]
B: Sure .For example .Americans pronounce ”dance” as\ \ .and “hot as”\ \ A: How did these differences come about? B: There is no quick answer to this question. A: Are there many difference in grammar? B: No .just a few. A: Can people from the two countries understand each...